35 votes

What's the simplest way to display a browser-based interface on a computer without a GUI?

I'd want to test out the actual apps I'd use before deciding. My highest common factor tool for accessing a web page over a terminal is carbonyl - I run the binary not the docker container, and the '...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
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21 votes

What's the simplest way to display a browser-based interface on a computer without a GUI?

There is the option of using the text based Web browser Lynx. Depending on the functions you need it may still work, though obviously images and potentially a lot of HTML5 and javascript features are ...
Mokubai's user avatar
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15 votes

What's the simplest way to display a browser-based interface on a computer without a GUI?

the whole desktop environment seems like way overkill for what I need. It's not. It's probably more efficient even for SSH than any alternatives (of which there aren't many), but it's pretty much the ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
10 votes

Is there a native alternative to the `watch` command; for Darwin/OS X

There's no exact replacement. You could install the Linux watch command with your favorite package manager (homebrew or macports), or manually. Or you could roll your own watch-like functionality ...
Spiff's user avatar
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7 votes

Is there a native alternative to the `watch` command; for Darwin/OS X

Based on @Spiff awesome answer, I improved it a bit to avoid flickering/flashing on each execution: fakewatch () { while true; do DATE=$(date); RESULT=$(${@}); clear; echo "$DATE"; echo "$RESULT"; ...
Jorge Chip's user avatar
5 votes

Installing a second OS carries a risk of data loss; even your PC's user manual says so. If you have backups, is it now okay to install a second OS?

They have no idea what another OS may setup, delete or what firmware configuration changes the second OS might require or provoke. For example some Linux distributions may require you disable secure ...
Mokubai's user avatar
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4 votes

How could a hacker access the /etc/shadow file if it is only accessible by root and they do not have root access?

In order to understand how a hacker could access this file you have to think like a hacker, mainly outside the box, of what most would consider to be "normal" methods for accessing a file. To that ...
slm's user avatar
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3 votes

What's the simplest way to display a browser-based interface on a computer without a GUI?

You can use another system that does have a GUI interface and browser, utilizing an SSH tunnel on the terminal system as a proxy. First, set up the SSH service/daemon on your terminal system. The ...
Corrodias's user avatar
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3 votes

Installing a second OS carries a risk of data loss; even your PC's user manual says so. If you have backups, is it now okay to install a second OS?

The quote basically only says that installing any other configuration than the original one is unsupported. Which means that if you have any problems while/after installing the second OS, don't ...
harrymc's user avatar
  • 481k
3 votes

Can I share my home among multiple operating systems?

This is certainly possible, by putting /home on a separate partition and mounting it in each of the operating systems. However, this is virtually guaranteed to lead to big problems. I would like to ...
l0b0's user avatar
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2 votes

How to chain awk print statements?

Although the other answers solve the underlying problem, they don't really answer the question, "How do I chain awk print statements?" For this sort of problem, the answer is, "You don't." You use ...
Joe's user avatar
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2 votes

How to chain awk print statements?

For this instance, the easiest way to do it is probably set multiple separators using a regex: ip -br a | awk -F '[\t /]*' '/wlan0/ {print$3}' This makes the field separator any string of /, spaces, ...
Chris's user avatar
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2 votes

How to chain awk print statements?

Just change the definition of field separator to include both spaces and /: $ ip -br a | awk -F'[[:blank:]/]+' '/wlan0/{print $3}' The option -F'[[:blank:]/]+' tells awk to use any ...
John1024's user avatar
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2 votes

How to chain awk print statements?

You can use gsub for that like: ip -br a | awk '/wlan0/ {gsub(/\/.*/, ""); print $3}'
Stephen Rauch's user avatar
2 votes

pkg install using specific version of Python in FreeBSD?

There are several versions of Python in the FreeBSD package system. There are two ways to specify a package, by name or by origin (the latter uses category/port notation). The default version of ...
Richard Smith's user avatar
2 votes

Recursively compress files in a directory and subdirectories using command line "zip" tool in Mac OS X and exclude .DS_Store files from ALL subfolders

Most of the times I want to exclude all hidden files, such as .DS_Store or .git or .gitignore With one simple command you can take care of all of that and compress all files and subfolders recursively:...
Aleksandar's user avatar
1 vote

how can I get the yes command to force overwrite and to do so with new lines?

This is not as easy as it may seem. Analysis When running cp -i and answering it prompts interactively, the newline you get after typing yEnter comes from the line discipline. The line discipline ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
1 vote

Can you underline directories in zsh with ls?

You don't need iTerm2 + omz. I suggest to use GNU ls and LS_COLORS, you can install coreutils (through homebrew) and alias ls='gls --l --color'. Steps: brew install coreutils in .zshrc or ....
Tianshu Wang's user avatar
1 vote

I accidentally ran `rm -rf /` what should I do

You probably lost your homedir in /Users too. Did you reboot afterwards? I'm guessing your desktop/files are all gone, if you can even login. If you can login, your homedir is probably completely ...
jimtut's user avatar
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PF rule using return-rst on Mac OS X does not reply with TCP reset

I found that some of PF firewall rules work incorrectly after Thunderbolt Ethernet is connected, but work correctly when WiFi is the only network adapter. For example, action "return-rst" does not ...
zhovner's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

trying to install FreeBSD from a pen drive. Failed with error 19

So ran into the same problem, swapping to a different USB port appears to have "fixed" the problem. Initially, I had been trying with a USB3 socket.
Marten2009's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a native alternative to the `watch` command; for Darwin/OS X

This question Is there a way to dynamically refresh the less command? might help. For OS that doesn't support watch (like Darwin/OS X, Solaris), you can try less +F FILENAME It's equivalent to ...
Ying Lyu's user avatar

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