5 votes

debian cannot uninstall dovecot

This uninstalls dovecot in debian: systemctl stop dovecot systemctl disable dovecot apt-get purge dovecot-core apt-get autoremove dovecot-core
tak3shi's user avatar
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4 votes

Gmail pop3 ssl can't fetch mail server

It seems like since wednesday Google Mail Servers no longer accept intermediate certificates signed using the sha1 hash algorithm. Running the command openssl s_client -connect server.example.com:995 ...
p-schneider's user avatar
4 votes

Dovecot gmail SSL error

I recently hit this issue, using letsencrypt for my certificate, and found that I had mistakenly put a link to cert.pem in my dovecot ssl_cert setting instead of fullchain.pem. So I was seeing the ...
Henry Burrows's user avatar
4 votes

Thunderbird not showing new/unread junk emails

It appears Thunderbird does not automatically sync junk or trash folders by default (tested latest stable and beta versions on Windows 10). The solution was to include junk folder in message ...
Pavin Joseph's user avatar
4 votes

Postfix/Dovecot/Let'sEncrypt - Gmail/E-mail clients say emails form my server are not encrypted properly (red lock)

Encryption of outgoing traffic has not much to do with any of the above. When sending mail, your Postfix connects to Gmail (so neither port-forwarding nor MX records are involved) and acts like a TLS ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
3 votes

Dovecot not working, apparently not listening to ports 110, 143, 993 or 995

This entry in the log—where it says “starting up without any protocols”—is the big clue: Aug 10 16:28:55 domain.tld dovecot[3122]: master: Dovecot v2.2.33.2 (d6601f4ec) starting up without any ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
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Dovecot's grace_quota is not working

Dovecot's grace_quota does not work as you expect it. From the Dovecot manual on quota: With v2.2+ by default the last mail can bring user over quota. This is useful to allow user to actually ...
Jens Erat's user avatar
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How to configure dovecot to NOT try to mount user's home

I do not have your environment, but I quote from the Dovecot - Community Help Wiki (the part in bold is that way in the original text) : NOTE: Dovecot will NOT work in an encrypted directory/folder....
harrymc's user avatar
  • 481k
3 votes

How to restart or reload Dovecot via doveadm

https://askubuntu.com/questions/451406/where-did-etc-init-d-dovecot-go-in-14-04 tells: doveadm reload - in 14.04 the initscript was removed for not understandable reasons.
sjas's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I prevent that an user sends mail like another user on Postfix?

You probably want to use the reject_sender_login_mismatch parameter in your smtpd_sender_restrictions configuration, so you would have something like this: smtpd_sender_restrictions = ...
nKn's user avatar
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2 votes

Postfix/Dovecot/Raspbian not receiving emails from outside, IPv6 only

Your problem appears to be that the authoritative DNS servers for dynv6.net are sending corrupt DNS responses. This is what I saw when I first attempted to resolve your MX record: $ dig mx ...
kasperd's user avatar
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How To Configure a Mail Server Using Postfix, Dovecot, MySQL, and SpamAssassin and Sieve to move to Spam / Junk folder

This is how is solved it (it took 7 months): apt install dovecot-sieve dovecot-managesieved nano /etc/dovecot/conf.d/90-plugin.conf Add or set in: protocol lmtp { mail_plugins = $...
Patrik Laszlo's user avatar
2 votes

How to make Dovecot maildir format emails be gziped using zlib

You have made dovecot capable to read compressed files in maildir directory. As I understand you need separate tweaks to compress (old) uncompressed messages. https://doc.dovecot.org/...
AnFi's user avatar
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2 votes

dovecot configuration with lmtp and vmail user - INBOX directly created in Maildir, missing Junk, Trash, etc. folders

I don't have exactly the same configuration as you, but I have virtual mailboxes (for groups) and the special mailboxes were not automatically created. I had to write a script in order to do it (...
Stéphane Veyret's user avatar
1 vote

Roundcube issues after server upgrade (Debian 10, PHP7)

I ran grep -ri "X-Frame-Options" /etc/apache2 and found out that the SSL I self signed added this to the rule set. I edited /etc/apache2/conf-available/ssl-params.conf and changed Header always set ...
KingsInnerSoul's user avatar
1 vote

Have sendmail authenticate users against dovecot (or passwd-style files)

You can configure cyrus-sasl to auth against dovecot using remote imap capability. For example in CentOS (auth against local IMAP/Dovecot): /etc/sysconfig/saslauthd MECH=rimap FLAGS=" -O" ...
Michal Žila's user avatar
1 vote

How can i view mail using doveadm?

Normally you'd use an IMAP client to access mail, as Dovecot is an IMAP server... mutt -f imap://bob@localhost/INBOX As a trick, it is possible with some IMAP clients to talk directly to Dovecot, ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
1 vote

Postfix/Dovecot mailserver with neomutt

I was able to sole the issue, by getting the server certificate and telling mbsync to use it.
Chain's user avatar
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Retrieve emails from different folders in Office 365 with getmail in mbox format and Dovecot

This is normal – each mbox file corresponds to exactly one mailbox (folder). Additional folders would need to be stored as individual mbox files under ~/ (according to your current Dovecot config). ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
1 vote

Using dovecot for submission, how to configure dkim?

Dovecot does IMAP and POP3, not SMTP. It does offer a smtp proxy which is a recent feature but would still rely on an actual MTA so send the mail.
Seth's user avatar
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Should the certificate used for postfix also contain all the domains used or just the hostname

If you want to use TLS with SMTP, you only need to make sure the hostname of the server, as referenced by the MX records of the domains, is in the certificate. Examples: mtak@gen1:~$ dig -t mx mtak....
mtak's user avatar
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Dovecot not serving all messages through IMAP

Broken Indexes and Other Mailbox Issues This sounds like an issue with a broken mailbox index, which is something Dovecot's usually very good at fixing on its own. In case it fails, you can force ...
Jens Erat's user avatar
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How to manage multiple email addresses in squirrelmail without having to create new user accounts?

You can set up a "Reply To" address in SquirrelMail: look in Options --> Personal Information. That doesn't set up an actual email address, however: to do that, you need to set up aliases in postfix.
Peter's user avatar
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Can't connect 587 port from external postfix/dovercot using tls

Iptables sequentially try to match your rules in the order they appear. In your case (as said in comments, please provide the result of iptables -S commands, as we lack information with iptables -L ...
vera's user avatar
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Can't connect 587 port from external postfix/dovercot using tls

Remember that iptables rules are read top to bottom. When you add a rule with -A it's appended at the end (or after the given number), when you use -I it is inserted in front. Now you basically have: ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
1 vote

dovecot: trying to block non-encrypted connections

Note that plaintext authentication is always allowed (and SSL not required) for connections from localhost, as they're assumed to be secure anyway. This applies to all connections where the local ...
Kondybas's user avatar
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dovecot isn't reading dovecot-sql.conf.ext correctly

Update: It appears that dovecot implements an extremely primitive string-splitting function that has no support for escape sequences or quotes. The only workaround is creating an extra mysql user ...
Christoph Burschka's user avatar
1 vote

dotlock permissions problems with dovecot and OS X 10.10.3++

The failure with setgroups() comes from the fact that the user on the machine, where Dovecot runs has more than 16 groups assigned to it. Run id -G <user> or id <user> as root (or as that ...
Heiko Rupp's user avatar

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