3 votes

How much internet speed does Youtube, Twitch, etc. have?

Yes. Of-course if the content is popular what will likely happen is it will be distributed/cached across multiple locations so that it can be distributed more efficiently. Strictly speaking there can ...
davidgo's user avatar
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How to debug this issue? Initial load times for new URLs are extremely long in Windows, but not other OSes and machines

The tool I was looking for as @Chester Gillon suggested in a comment was nslookup. In PowerShell I called nslookup and discovered I was actually running Tailscale in the background as an intermediary ...
Leftover Salad's user avatar
1 vote

Connecting to github via ssh, times out without response

Running the command with -o IPQoS=none solved the issue in my particular case. I edited ssh_config and added the line IPQoS none, this way it will always perform ssh without Quality of Service.
Carles Fitó Negre's user avatar
1 vote

Windows 11 "Oops, you've lost internet" - not recognizing active internet connection. What is it looking for?

Windows checks two URLs to verify the internet connection: www.msftncsi.com www.msftconnecttest.com here it tries to access the file ncsi.txt. If a connection can be established Windows will ...
Albin's user avatar
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Why all internet bonding router requires broadband bonding service in the cloud when a user can merge his 4g internet source on his premises?

Great question. Internet Bonding happens on the internet side, not on the Local Area Network side. You can load balance packets between network interfaces, which is what is load balancing. Once the ...
Josh's user avatar
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Where is the kill switch in Cyberghost?

To kill a task or a process called cyberghost means nothing because the vpn don't need this elements to work ... on Linux you don't have something active and called cyberghost but the vpn works though ...
Menard's user avatar
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Mac cannot browse, ping works fine

I have seen these symptoms when for some reason the wireless network i joined did not have a DNS server configured on the network. By manually adding a DNS server, such as Google's public DNS (
gpito's user avatar
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No internet connection in Virtual Machine on selecting NAT in VMWare workstation

I had this problem, after upgrading to V 17.5. None of the previous answers worked. I tried restarting the VMware NAT and DHCP Services. I tried deleting the NAT adapter and creating a new one in the ...
TheColonel26's user avatar

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