10 votes

How to tell Windows 8 Narrator to read only what I specifically tell it to read and remain absolutely silent otherwise?

The easiest and most painless way to achieve this is copy-pasting the text to Notepad++ and using the “Speech” plugin (which uses the default Windows text-to-speech utility). Personally I prefer this ...
816-8055's user avatar
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How to make Windows speak the time at the top of the hour

Create a VBscript text file called saytime.vbs Dim speech, hr, sez hr=hour(time) if hr=0 then hr = 12 end if if hr>12 then hr = hr - 12 end if sez = hr & " O'clock" Set speech = ...
SDsolar's user avatar
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How to tell Windows 8 Narrator to read only what I specifically tell it to read and remain absolutely silent otherwise?

The Windows 10 magnifier app (open with hotkey Windows + M) has a text-to-speech (TTS) option (hotkey ctrl + alt + left click while magnifier is open). It puts a box around your selected text just ...
dosentmatter's user avatar
2 votes

Get more Microsoft text-to-speech voices

Narrator for Windows (all versions) has a few built-in options for male and female voices. To set Narrator voice options (Microsoft) Here is a good source for more voices: Best Free Windows ...
SDsolar's user avatar
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Alt gr + number changes voice type and does not give me key

When I type alt gr + a number it says on the screen eg "Voice type: Robotic Voice" This appears to be caused by Clownfish for Skype. From their FAQ: Q: My keyboard does not work as expected. Some ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
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Get more Microsoft text-to-speech voices

This is the answer for 2023: You can get several voices from Windows. Just go to language setting and enable/download tts for Canadian/Australian/England and Indian languages. You will get about 8 ...
S Nash's user avatar
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How to stop TTS software from waking me up at night

You may enable Focus assist (also called quiet hours in earlier versions of Windows 10), described as : allows you to avoid distracting notifications when you need to stay focused. It's set by ...
harrymc's user avatar
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How to disable Win+Ctrl+N hotkey that opens Narrator settings in Windows 10?

I found another solution, you might want to try. There are two programs that can help you to turn off specific Windows hotkeys, they are SharpKeys and AutoHotkey. SharpKeys allow you to turn ...
Tim Berty's user avatar
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Disable narrator-like "thing" in Office 2013

As correctly identified in the question, this is a feature that appears in Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Word only and starting with version 2013. Microsoft doesn't make their users' lives too easy....
trejder's user avatar
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How to make Windows speak the time at the top of the hour

Brilliant script, thanks! I've modified the script slightly to include am/pm and minute announcements so you can run it any time: Dim speech, hr, sez, mt, pm hr=hour(time) mt=minute(time) pm="pea ...
Kevin Stevens's user avatar
1 vote

How do I turn off Narrator?

Another way would be by killing it's process. It could only work temporarily, if you didn't enable narrator at boot. Ctrl+Shift+Esc Search for narrator.exe and terminate it. Alternatively: Win+R -...
Anon's user avatar
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1 vote

How to install more voices to Windows Speech?

Add new language in Control panel and then download language pack in there.
ms. mann's user avatar
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