5 votes

Turn off all notifications for Notification Suggestions

The Windows Push Notifications User Service refers to this functionality as SmartOptOut. It's difficult to test because SmartOptOut runs on a timer, and modifying the saved timer state in the registry ...
Ben Hutchison's user avatar
2 votes

Windows 10 setting "Notifications & actions:" Application List is not showing all notification apps

Just after asking question I've found an answer. It's based on this article: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/desktop/legacy/hh802762(v=vs.85) Without a valid shortcut ...
setec's user avatar
  • 169
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How to remove my mouse from the "Safely Remove Hardware"

I solved the issue of improper devices showing up under Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media in the taskbar via the following: SetDeviceProperties_NonRemovableFingerprintScanners.verbose.ps1 If ($...
Cavallo's user avatar
  • 21
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Colored status border missing in MS Teams Notifications sent from Jenkins

It looks like unfortunately Microsoft dropped support for messege card theme color in the "New Teams": We have updated card styles and theme color has been deprecated in card boarders. So, ...
Axinet's user avatar
  • 36
2 votes

How to get rid of repeated Notification from Microsoft

This should help : Open regedit Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft Create a new sub-key named Edge In that key, create a DWORD named SuppressUnsupportedOSWarning and set it to ...
harrymc's user avatar
  • 481k
1 vote

How to get rid of repeated Notification from Microsoft

You cannot run IE. Edge will may give you this message depending on the state of your Windows 7 operating system. - that is life. Try an old unsupported version of Chrome. You may also wish to try ...
John's user avatar
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Thunderbird notifications are not coming

It depends on your preferences and your working environment. That said - please check your settings in Thunderbird: AFAIK - you`ll need to minimise Thunderbird for notifications. This is resulting in:...
help-info.de's user avatar
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Disabling playback windows 10 notification from top left corner?

Hard to tell from the question. If you mean you want to turn off Windows Notification, use focus assist. Press Windows, type notifi and select Notifications. Select Focus assist settings. In the ...
DrMoishe Pippik's user avatar
1 vote

Is there ANY WAY to completely dismiss a popup notification in windows 11?

You can make it so notifications only show a pop-up, without creating an entry in the notification center, using the settings here for example: image from How to make notifications less annoying on ...
Cpt.Whale's user avatar
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Is there ANY WAY to completely dismiss a popup notification in windows 11?

There is not a general Turn Off Every Notification. Some notifications are important (updates, restarts, etc.) and you need to know if your computer is going to restart imminently. You can open a ...
John's user avatar
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How to make the "Snip saved to clipboard" notifications disappear on reboot?

Windows 10 notifications are stored in "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Notifications\wpndatabase.db". In order to remove the notifications on log off (shutdown/reboot), you need to: ...
VladStepu2001's user avatar
1 vote

Hotkey to close toast notification

From Dismiss Windows 10 Notification From Keyboard : Press Win+Shift+V This will move the focus to the notification (will activate it and bring to front) Now, press the Delete key The notification ...
harrymc's user avatar
  • 481k
1 vote

Windows 11 notification badge counter is gone with the 23H2 update

I have also suffered this problem, and the reason was that an old version of Segoe Fluent Icons font file exists in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts (I don't know why.) I deleted the file ...
Nitric's user avatar
  • 76
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Windows 11 notification badge counter is gone with the 23H2 update

According to the Microsoft article Microsoft is changing how notifications appear on the Windows 11 Taskbar, the counter is gone for good and is not returning. The article describes an Insider channel ...
harrymc's user avatar
  • 481k
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How to view previous Firefox notifications?

see, and support if possible, this bug report: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1854263 .
irvnriir's user avatar
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How can I trigger a notification when a job/process ends?

If you want, you can show a notification on your terminal itself. This shows a notification on the lower-right corner for 5 seconds and then disappears. Without blocking. # write_message # - write a ...
Sebastian Carlos's user avatar

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