62 votes

How can I parse extremely large (70+ GB) .txt files?

Choose your tools It seems Excel is not a suitable tool for what you want to do. One approach would to be to use a different tool to consolidate or summarise the data. awk, sed, grep or perl might be ...
RedGrittyBrick's user avatar
33 votes

How can I parse extremely large (70+ GB) .txt files?

OS agnostic answer: Learn just a tiny bit of Python and you will have a tool to do similar conversions in any way you wish. Type this into a file, save it as e.g. cvt.py (originally based on code ...
Hannu's user avatar
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15 votes

How can I parse extremely large (70+ GB) .txt files?

Disclaimer: I have not actually tried this with a 70 GB file, but I have done a couple of GB and above 4 million rows. The intended workflow for huge files is not to load whole file into a sheet, but ...
Džuris's user avatar
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9 votes

How can I parse extremely large (70+ GB) .txt files?

If your data format is well-known (CSV or other character delimited file, JSON, etc.) you can usually find a general-purpose command-line tool to help query it. xsv is a popular one for comma-...
Scott Minor's user avatar
7 votes

Is the ".sha256" file format formally defined somewhere? How should it be parsed?

A .sha256 file is a text file generated by the sha256sum program. The purpose of a .sha256 file is to enable one to check the integrity of files using the sha256sum program. Its content is not ...
dirdi's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I parse extremely large (70+ GB) .txt files?

Lots of good advice from elsewhere about the mechanics of data extraction, however you are going to need some dirty coding skills to do anything useful with it. Large data sets often contain corrupt ...
Peter Fox's user avatar
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4 votes

Excel Does Not Parse Quoted String containing comma in CSV File Correctly

Remove the extraneous spaces and it'll work correctly: T7,7,"331-8463 C - Ind. HT collar, laser HT insert, crown TR",85,0.37,N,0.00,N T7,8,"331-8463 C - Ind. HT collar, laser HT insert, crown TR",90,...
Steve Rindsberg's user avatar
4 votes

Automatic parsing of citation text in academic references

At the moment (2017) the most active Open-Source project implementing this seem to be Anystyle Parser (last version 07-2016). It can be used through a web-interface, API, or downloaded as a RubyGem. ...
Wouter's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I delete BOTH lines of a duplicate pair in a text file in bash?

You can use the -u command-line argument to the uniq utility, which does precisely what you want: −u Suppress the writing of lines that are repeated in the input. You still need to sort ...
rici's user avatar
  • 3,933
3 votes

Machine readable list of files in rar archive

From rar -?: l[t[a],b] List archive contents [technical[all], bare] rar lb *.rar
Seth's user avatar
  • 9,195
2 votes

Get first two strings of each filename in a directory as a txt file

Try this from command line: for /F "tokens=*" %g in (textfile.txt) do @for /F "tokens=1,2" %G in ("%~ng") do @if not "%H"=="" echo(%G %H or start from scratch for /F "tokens=*" %g in ('dir /A/B/S') ...
JosefZ's user avatar
  • 13.2k
2 votes

Excel Does Not Parse Quoted String containing comma in CSV File Correctly

Sadly, Steve Rindsberg is correct. Excel will accept double-quote encapsulation only if the field separator is: ,rather than:,space We can't always control the format of our import files. If you ...
Gary's Student's user avatar
2 votes

How to properly unescape strace output

tl;dr – see "conclusion" at the very end. What happens here is quite interesting. First of all echo -e acts like this (from man 1 echo): \0NNN byte with octal value NNN (1 to 3 digits) This ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
2 votes

Parsing the result of a command in a Linux bash script

The concept: Invoke pactl … with LC_ALL=C set to avoid localized output (you apparently don't need this but in general case people do). Use egrep to discard irrelevant lines. You want to get pairs of ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
2 votes

Parsing the result of a command in a Linux bash script

The problem is that variables set in the do loop are not maintained from one pass to the next. The simple solution is to save the list output to a temporary file, then scan it twice:- pactl list ...
AFH's user avatar
  • 17.5k
2 votes

Parsing and reformatting date string using PowerShell

This was essentially the problem addressed by the Idera PowerTip of the Day for October 12, 2017. The solution presented was to use the ParseExact method of the DateTime .NET class. Assuming that you'...
Jeff Zeitlin's user avatar
  • 4,646
2 votes

How can I parse extremely large (70+ GB) .txt files?

I don't use Macs, but assuming the standard UNIX tools are available, then Open a terminal type in cd and drag in the folder containing the files type in awk -v FS=, -v OFS=, '{ print $3, $2, $5 }' ...
CSM's user avatar
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1 vote

Is it theoretically possible to create a log parser/analyzer with the quality of manual parsing without use of an AI?

Is it theriotically possible to create a log parser/analyzer with the quality of manual parsing without use of an AI? Absolutely. All you have to do is grab a copy of the latest edition Cambridge ...
LawrenceC's user avatar
  • 74k
1 vote

Docx file from an XML file of docx

A DOCX file is much more complex than one XML files. It actually contains a series of XML files, organized in several folders. All the files inside the DOCX are XML files, even those that don't have ...
harrymc's user avatar
  • 481k
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How can I parse extremely large (70+ GB) .txt files?

As always you have two ways to choose. A. Make a fairly complex program (multiple choices of separators, multiple choices of data handling etc.) B. Use a "Unix toolbox" approach. Learn some ...
d.c.'s user avatar
  • 176
1 vote

Parsing Command Prompt Output

I believe its in part because of your regex you have .map(value => value.trim().split(/\s+/)) the /\s+/ is grabbing every all white space in the output from what I tested I wrote up a quick ...
SomeRandomOwl's user avatar
1 vote

Deleting list of files with non-standard file names

You could try Get-Content d:\dupelist3.txt | % {Remove-Item -LiteralPath $_ -WhatIf} Remove the -WhatIf to actually execute From Remove-Item -LiteralPath Specifies a path to one or more ...
Lieven Keersmaekers's user avatar
1 vote

Retrieving Formulas within Excel concatenate function

Try the following User Defined Function: Public Function raghav(rng As Range) As Variant Dim s As String s = Mid(rng(1).Formula, 2) arr = Split(s, Chr(34)) For Each a In arr ...
Gary's Student's user avatar
1 vote

Write URL's to a text file that match a pattern

If you use Chrome, you can press F12 to bring up the developer tools and then run the following small snippet in the console to write the list of links: $("a.route").each(function (i, a) {if (a.href....
Magnus's user avatar
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1 vote

Parsing errors due to special characters in dns txt records

CSV files are simply text files formatted with a delimiter that you might choose. So basically the delimiter is not something that you force in the document you're writing but it's the person that ...
nKn's user avatar
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1 vote

How to find all websites matching the pattern website.edu/~<some_string>?

If you're using Google, this is actually pretty easy: site:http://www.cameron.edu/~ ... for instance lists various professor pages. (In response to the edited question>>>) Note: there is no ...
George 2.0 Hope's user avatar
1 vote

Return specific matched (sub) value with grep in linux

I would use sed instead of grep, so your filter becomes: ... | sed -n 's%^.* = .* = .*/\(.*\)/.*%\1%pg' Notes:- Because we are matching the / character, I have replaced the normal string delimiter ...
AFH's user avatar
  • 17.5k
1 vote

Parse a complex string into into separate Cells

I would use the Text to Columns method, but since you asked for a formula, put this in B2 copy over and down: =TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE($A2," ",REPT(" ",999)),(COLUMN(A:A)-1)*999+1,999))
Scott Craner's user avatar
  • 23.2k
1 vote

Parse a complex string into into separate Cells

In Excel go to Text to Columns select Delimited: select Space: Clcik Next and you'll have it.
jcbermu's user avatar
  • 17.5k
1 vote

Get first two strings of each filename in a directory as a txt file

Download the free text editor called Notepad++ Open your textfile. Press CTRL-H to open the find and replace dialog. At the bottom left, check Regular Expression In Find: enter ^(.+?[ ].+?)[ ].+$ ...
LPChip's user avatar
  • 61.5k

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