66 votes

How do I remove an SSH forwarded port

When using ssh multiplexing, killing the ssh process is often undesirable (it kills all open connections with that host), and you cannot easily access the escape because "escape not available to ...
a3nm's user avatar
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57 votes

How does port-forwarding help in torrents?

In short: for BitTorrent (p2p) protocol to work at least one peer has to have a publicly open port (be an active node). You can run Transmission without port forwarding (stay a passive node) and you ...
techraf's user avatar
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38 votes

I keep on getting a error when I connect to a ssh tunnel on putty

For me the key was that the "Diffie-Hellman group exchange" key exchange algorithm was not implemented on the server (see Connection > SSH > KEX). Moving this key exchange algorithm to the bottom of ...
FlameStorm's user avatar
33 votes

SSH: Troubleshooting "Remote port forwarding failed for listen port" errors

Why does ssh -N -R 2222:localhost:22 <bluehost_user>@<bluehost_ip> result in a "Remote port forwarding failed for listen port" error? I get this exact warning when I attempt to use a port ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
32 votes

Are there good alternative HTTP ports rather than port 80?

There are actually 3 HTTP alternative ports: 591, 8008 and 8080. They are assigned by IANA as "HTTP Alternate", which makes them pretty much as official as it gets. If you run Linux as a non-...
Calimo's user avatar
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31 votes

How do I remove an SSH forwarded port

How to cancel a forwarded port in an already running SSH session: Press ~+C (tilde + capital C) Type -KL 10002 (or whatever port number) Press Enter You should see this: ssh> -KL 10002 Canceled ...
cambunctious's user avatar
23 votes

Windows 10 - NAT - Port forwarding & IP masquerade

Windows netsh can setup a proxy to allow administrators to proxy ipv6 traffic over ipv4. Netsh also has an option to configure a proxy for ipv4 to ipv4. For your setup use netsh interface portproxy ...
Zalmy's user avatar
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23 votes

How to choose open port number?

A port number is a 16-bit unsigned integer, thus ranging from 0 to 65535 (although 0 cannot be used for TCP; it has a special meaning for UDP). You can use pretty much any port number in the range, ...
davidgo's user avatar
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20 votes

How does port-forwarding help in torrents?

If uPnP/NAT-PMP was turned off on your torrent client, router, or both, then Inbound connections wouldn't work. You would then need to forward the port to your machine in your router's config or turn ...
BrianC's user avatar
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16 votes

Windows Subsystem for Linux & SSH Port Forwarding

Self answer: See this bug. The following works: ssh -L me@host The problem is that IPv6 doesn't work in WSL and the failure flows through to the IPv4 port forwarding.
Tom's user avatar
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14 votes

Can I run both a primary and secondary DNS server using the same public IP?

When it comes to primary and secondary DNS servers, from the viewpoint of any external entity it is actually irrelevant whether they run on a single machine, in separate VMs or on separate physical ...
VL-80's user avatar
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13 votes

Set up a web server behind a Carrier Grade NAT

Your router's "WAN" address is from the private range (which is kinda like 192.168.x, but dedicated specifically to CGNAT). So that means you're behind CGN and the global address you're ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
13 votes

firewall-cmd - add-forward-port don't work

THE REAL PROBLEM: The command... firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --direct --add-rule ipv4 filter FORWARD 0 -d -j ACCEPT firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-forward-port=...
Eduardo Lucio's user avatar
12 votes

Configure Tor as a listening proxy server that I can connect to remotely?

Use This: SocksPort Setting as host let all other devices on the network, see it and use it as a proxy.
Danial Behzadi's user avatar
11 votes

Cannot access LAN with WAN address from within my LAN

It is possible to access your internal server using the router's public IP address/forwarded port, but your router must support loopback network address translation (a.k.a. hairpin NAT) and be ...
I say Reinstate Monica's user avatar
10 votes

UPnP port mapping client for Linux

Complementing @user1686 answer. This is how you can do it on Ubuntu, Mint and all Debian based distros: # Install upnpc command line sudo apt install -y miniupnpc # Get network ip address (typically ...
Eduardo's user avatar
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10 votes

Port Forwarding Samba

SMB uses ports 445/tcp and/or 139/tcp (usually just one is enough, but sometimes it's better to forward both). Additionally, the Windows SMB client requires Ping (ICMP Echo) to be open. Note, however,...
10 votes

SSH: Troubleshooting "Remote port forwarding failed for listen port" errors

Make sure there is no hanging connection on port 2222 at bluehost. Test at bluehost lsof -t -i:2222 whether any process id is using port 2222. Additionally, kill this process (for example with kill $(...
jervtub's user avatar
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10 votes

227 Entering Passive Mode (0,0,0,0,...) when connecting to vsftpd FTP server

Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (0,0,0,0,31,84). The 0,0,0,0 is most probably due to a known bug in vsftpd. If that's the case, to fix this, make sure the server does not listen on IPv6 ...
Martin Prikryl's user avatar
10 votes

SSH forwarding through PuTTY not working on Windows 10

TCP port 49900 is within the port range (49152 to 65535) that is reserved for dynamic ports. You should not open services using ports in that range. The recommended port range is from 1024 to 49151.
Robert's user avatar
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9 votes

I keep on getting a error when I connect to a ssh tunnel on putty

I got a similar error on 0.63 ... upgrading to 0.67 made it go away.
EoghanM's user avatar
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9 votes

How to create a subdomain pointing to a different port number?

You cannot assign a port number to a domain name or statically-defined host name. A host name is translated into an IP address and port number is a separate number added to the IP address. A DNS ...
techraf's user avatar
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9 votes

Unable to restart ssh on Mac OS Sierra - launchctl unload Could not find specified service

You can restart openSSH on your mac with the following (tested on Sierra 10.12.6) sudo launchctl stop com.openssh.sshd sudo launchctl start com.openssh.sshd Source
Allison's user avatar
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9 votes

Set up a web server behind a Carrier Grade NAT

ngrok working fine for me. I was about to bang my head but you saved me. my router is behind CGNAT. I signed up in ngrok with free account and believe me its free forever. just need to download ngrok ...
urveshj mendhe's user avatar
9 votes

Can I run both a primary and secondary DNS server using the same public IP?

The primary objective of having two separate DNS servers is so that if one goes down the other will remain up for those who are using it, not because (as one might be-- albeit potentially while half-...
wanwandrew's user avatar
9 votes

Difference between external port and internal port in port forwarding?

In layman's terms: Your router has a public IP address (the "external" address). Your router also provides the network devices within your home network with private IP addresses (the "...
Albin's user avatar
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8 votes

Two computers with application running on same port

The router does not care. You have to tell it which of the two computers to forward to, and it ignores the other one. If you want both computers to be accessible on the internet, you have to forward ...
Darth Android's user avatar
8 votes

Access external IP from inside the network?

Most SOHO routers don't support hairpin NAT (AKA NAT loopback), which is accessing an internal machine via the external IP, from inside the same LAN. You need a better router. If your router ...
Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007's user avatar
8 votes

Was my server being SSH brute-forced?

Why? Because you have a system on the internet. A few simple steps you can take to combat this: Disable password authentication and use key auth instead. Put in place firewall rules to only accept ...
EEAA's user avatar
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8 votes

Set up a web server behind a Carrier Grade NAT

I'd like to mention some other alternatives to ngrok. They are the following, in no particular order: Serveo (Disabled at the time of writing) Holepunch.io See pricing there Packetriot See pricing ...
Pestro's user avatar
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