6 votes

Are there commands in PowerShell 7 to split the current window into four and request to run Python files in each of them?

You can call windows terminal [wt] with the split-pane [sp] function to create a new window in split pane, and you can specify /w 0 to do so in the current window; essentially you can run this ...
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Gaining administrator privileges from Function PowerShell

All programs are by default started in non-administrator mode, even if the current account is that of an administrator. If you are running the PowerShell script from an administrator account, but have ...
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Modify Windows CommandLine Start Up Text

For PowerShell, open the $profile file in your text editor and define a Prompt function. Function Prompt { return "PS >" # color: # $esc = [char] 0x1B # return "$esc[...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
1 vote

Getting Two Character Variable Without Pressing Enter (PowerShell/ CMD)

With batch, you may only ask for a string and then truncate it to two characters. The user will need to press Enter to finish entering the string. I assume that you would like for the script to ...
harrymc's user avatar
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Powershell: How to unlock bitlocker encrypted drive simple way?

$key = Read-Host 'Password!' -AsSecureString; Unlock-Bitlocker x: -Password $key >$nul Replace x: with your Bitlocked Volume. make sure Runas Admin I use this Function to Auto Lock-Unlock my ...
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