101 votes

Why isn't a valid subnet mask?

It's not a valid subnet mask because it doesn't define a prefix. If you convert it to binary, you'll see that its '1'-bits (and/or its '0'-bits) are not all contiguous. This is explicitly forbidden by ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
78 votes

Why are subnet-masks relevant for the individual computer on the network?

Your original assumptions are not entirely correct. What you call a "router" is two devices in one – a two-port router internally connected to a multiple-port Ethernet switch. (Here's an example ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
59 votes

What does it mean to have a subnet mask /32?

/32 addressing Generally speaking, /32 means that the network has only a single IPv4 address and all traffic will go directly between the device with that IPv4 address and the default gateway. The ...
Worthwelle's user avatar
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What does it mean to have a subnet mask /32?

There's a bit of confusion here; that /32 doesn't refer to the size of any (sub)network, but to the range of addresses that particular routing table entry applies to. Usually the two are the same (...
Gordon Davisson's user avatar
36 votes

My IP addresses changed from 192.168.2.xxx to 192.168.1.xxx. I can't reach the switch anymore

Temporarily change one of your computers' IP address to be in the range and you should be able to connect to your switch (you will be disconnected from the Internet). Then just ...
Dan's user avatar
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31 votes

Why are subnet-masks relevant for the individual computer on the network?

How does a computer know if a destination address is in the same subnet on in another? Checking the local adddress and the subnet mask. Let's check a couple examples: If my computer has the IP 192....
jcbermu's user avatar
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18 votes

How to correctly set the subnet mask installing Linux Ubuntu 20.04 server? ERROR: '' is not contained in ''

It asks for the subnet specification in the 1st field, not the subnet mask. The subnet is and it uses a 24 bit ( mask so the CIDR notation for the subnet is
Tonny's user avatar
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17 votes

Why isn't a valid subnet mask?

The mask needs to contiguously have high order bits on to mask the network address under which the subnet addresses are. 249 does not have this property, as it is 11111001 in binary, there are zeroes ...
Justme's user avatar
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11 votes

What does (Preferred), (Tentative) and (Duplicate) mean against an IPv4 Address with ipconfig

Preferred is what your client will ask the DHCP server for when it gets/renews the lease, but tentative is what it got in the response. Someone else probably has a lease on the preferred address. ...
Peter's user avatar
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11 votes

Why are subnet-masks relevant for the individual computer on the network?

Something non-obvious about IP is that every IP device is itself a router. This can be seen on a normal PC with the command "route print". You are connected to two networks: your local Ethernet or ...
pjc50's user avatar
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9 votes

Is the following IP address mask legal?

It is not valid. A subnet mask needs to be continuously 1-filled from the left. This is the reason why you can use the alternative notation with /x, where x describes the number of 1-bits (the size of ...
eckes's user avatar
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8 votes

Non-contiguous Subnet Mask

CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) came along in 1993 in RFC 1519 (now RFC 4632 / BCP 122 ) and spelled the end for non-contiguous subnet masks: "An implementation following these rules should ...
Spiff's user avatar
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8 votes

Why does it seem like I am losing IP addresses after subnetting with the subnet mask of

Why it is not showing in subnets? Because calculator.net is very much stuck in the obsolete "classful network" way of thinking – and even gets that wrong, too. Don't use it. Note how it has ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
7 votes

Why are subnet-masks relevant for the individual computer on the network?

I see this mentioned in some of the other answers here but I think it could be clearer: On computers with multiple network interfaces, the subnet mask may be used to automatically determine which ...
Jason C's user avatar
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7 votes

What does it mean to have a subnet mask /32?

It is just CIDR value. You can learn more in here for CIDR. TL;DR A CIDR network address looks like this under IPv4: The "" is the network address itself and ...
recanavar's user avatar
7 votes

Why does it seem like I am losing IP addresses after subnetting with the subnet mask of

Reminder: there is no "class B" anymore. CIDR appeared in 1993 — 30 years ago, you probably had never seen any classful networking in your career. Just stop using these terms, "class A&...
Nikita Kipriyanov's user avatar
6 votes

How does IPv4 subnetting work?

IP subnets exist to allow routers to choose appropriate destinations for packets. You can use IP subnets to break up larger networks for logical reasons (firewalling, etc), or physical need (smaller ...
6 votes

Why are subnet-masks relevant for the individual computer on the network?

TCP/IP could have been designed as you suggest -- leaf nodes would send everything to the router, and it would forward it to the target, which might be on the same subnet as the sender. But this ...
Barmar's user avatar
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6 votes

Why aren't public IP addresses always displayed with their subnet mask?

All systems that use TCP/IP to talk to other systems consult a local "Fowarding Information Base" or local routing table which is maintained by the system. A routing table entry basically looks like ...
LawrenceC's user avatar
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6 votes

Why subnet prefix is required when setting up a static address with nmcli in Linux?

First of all, NetworkManager's requirements are exactly the same as just about every other OS, ever. Windows requires you to enter a subnet mask; macOS requires you to enter a subnet mask; and ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
6 votes

Device category between router and firewall (subnetting but nothing more)

Your best bet is to buy a cheap mini-PC and run pfSense. pfSense is the software part of a very, very high level Firewall/Router and runs on commodity hardware (x64 PC). It is used heavily in ...
Eugen Rieck's user avatar
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5 votes

Same IP range, Different Subnet range

Yes, they should be able to ping each other, in both directions: the reason is that the network of PC-B is wholly contained inside the network of PC-A, and PC-A is located in that portion of its ...
MariusMatutiae's user avatar
5 votes

Why are subnet-masks relevant for the individual computer on the network?

If we look at a routing table (this happens to be my desktop machine): ip route default via dev eth1 dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src dev ...
Toby Speight's user avatar
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5 votes

which subnet i can use for 51. and 62

These are public IP addresses, and thus you should not be playing with them. Take a step back, think about what you're trying to achieve and then update your question with more details. In addition ...
Attie's user avatar
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5 votes

Why don't DNS queries return the subnet mask?

The short answer is DNS does not have anything to do with configuring routing, there are two completely different things. Think of your routing table as a set of rules that determine how IP packets ...
heavyd's user avatar
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5 votes

Why aren't public IP addresses always displayed with their subnet mask?

The subnet mask is useful for the host itself and to the routing equipment. Your PC doesn't need to know the subnet mask of a remote device, it only needs to know the address and comparing with its ...
jcbermu's user avatar
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5 votes

Semantics of how subnets work

"The router will forward a packet sent by host1 down its default gateway if and only if for all it's connected interfaces, the interface's configured address bitwise AND with host1's subnet mask does ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
5 votes

What does it mean to have a subnet mask /32?

easiest thing is web search and read articles related to subnet mask and subnet mask binary shorthand and CIDR and also check out subnet calculators the /32 is the CIDR (shorthand) and refers to how ...
ron's user avatar
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5 votes

Why isn't a valid subnet mask?

Formally speaking, it actually is a valid subnet mask. As the name implies, a subnet mask is simply a bitmask pattern (any pattern) that tells you which portions of the address define the network as a ...
Joel Aelwyn's user avatar
5 votes

Subnet cross-access with three routers

By setting the subnet masks of the two LAN routers to /23, I thought I could enable access to the respective subnets, but to no avail. No, that's very nearly the opposite of how it works. The subnet ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar

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