18 votes

How do I resize an animated GIF and keep transparency?

I upgraded from 3.4.1 to 4.0.2 and it worked. However, I got better results with >ffmpeg -hide_banner -v warning -i logo.gif -filter_complex "[0:v] scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos,split [a][b]; [a] ...
Chloe's user avatar
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14 votes

GIMP: Set All New Images to Default Transparent Background?

To change the Default for new images open up GIMP and go to Edit → Preferences. Select Default Image and change Fill with: to Transparency.
Nordlys Jeger's user avatar
12 votes

How can I create transparent images in MS Paint?

This is what I do when I want to set the background colour of a picture to be transparent: Open Ms.Word and paste the picture Format / Color / Set Transparent Colour and select the background colour ...
gordon613's user avatar
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10 votes

How can I create transparent images in MS Paint?

Say hello to Microsoft Paint 3D! Although this does not directly address the specific question of how to do this in the version of Paint found in Windows 7, it does address the question of how to do ...
Samir's user avatar
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5 votes

Bucket fill to transparent in gimp

To make it it a lot easier, you could just right click to get to the "select" option. After that, select the border of the region to become transparent, and then click "delete" on your keyboard.
user892588's user avatar
5 votes

how to change the png file background to transparent

No installation needed - use Preview. Open the image in preview Click the "toolcase" icon in the toolbar Select the "magic wand" tool Click and drag to set the "radius" until it selects what you ...
noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ's user avatar
4 votes

inkscape transparency when exporting pdf?

For an embedded image, if you have the SVG file without a background, just: export it using File → Save a copy; choose the PDF format; click Save; in the PDF-export window that pops up, select Export ...
pmassat's user avatar
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3 votes

How to print PDF containing transparency and layered graphics keeping non vector images quality

You may have a box checked in your settings that you should not. In the options panel, check that your ISO 19005-1 compliant (PDF/A) field is unchecked. This will prevent transparency's in artwork. ...
Mason Rodrickc's user avatar
3 votes

Specify background color when converting GIF to MP4 with ffmpeg

Use ffmpeg -f lavfi -i color=RRGGBB -i in.gif -filter_complex "[0][1]scale2ref[bg][gif];[bg]setsar=1[bg];[bg][gif]overlay=shortest=1" out.mp4 A canvas is created, which is black, if color (in hex) ...
Gyan's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I adjust transparency of watermark in Microsoft Word 2010?

Different version of Word? I don't have a tab labeled Page Layout.) I get a picture watermark going through the Insert tab >Watermark. Select the picture option, then click on Select Picture... . ...
Sten Cochran's user avatar
3 votes

Paint (Windows 8)

Paint does not support tranparency. You can see at Wikipedia. So when you save the image, the transparent color becomes solid. I recommend you Gimp. It is free and is more powerful. Or you can see ...
UselesssCat's user avatar
3 votes

overlaying .png without loosing transparency of .mov using FFMPEG

The default format for MOV is H.264 (if an encoder is available) which does not support an alpha channel so you have to manually specify ProRes if you want to keep that format. Example ffmpeg -i ...
llogan's user avatar
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2 votes

Convert a video to transparent using ffmpeg

Use ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -filter_complex "[0]split[m][a]; [a]geq='if(lt(lum(X,Y),16),0,255)',hue=s=0[al]; [m][al]alphamerge,format=yuva420p" -c:v libvpx output.webm See here for how to use this ...
Gyan's user avatar
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2 votes

Save PDF from PowerPoint (.pptx) with transparent background

I had the same issue and found that selecting the figure and using the Save As Image approach detailed in this SO answer produced incorrect results when the output format is set to PDF (using Office ...
MKroehnert's user avatar
2 votes

Gimp won't allow me to copy and paste a transparent image

The data saved to the clipboard when copying the photo may not support the aplha channel/transparent data. What works for me is opening the transparent picture in GIMP, then clicking and dragging the ...
ColorCodin's user avatar
2 votes

Animating transparency in powerpoint

The best thing to do is to make that slide automatically transition after the fade to the next slide which has the faded picture as a background. It's a cheat, but the audience won't notice. It's the ...
ArgyllGeek's user avatar
2 votes

Is it possible for an image to be the complementary color of its background?

I'm going to guess this is about website design in particular. While impossible with an image alone (which only have an alpha channel, nothing more), modern browsers have CSS features such as ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
2 votes

How to print PDF containing transparency and layered graphics keeping non vector images quality

One advice that is consistently given by Adobe is to use CMYK for images with transparency that are to be printed. The Adobe article About flattening says this : If you apply transparency to ...
harrymc's user avatar
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2 votes

Why do some viewers/editors not properly open this SVG file?

One key to understanding SVG files is to realize they aren't like other, common image file formats. They are a markup language more similar to HTML and XML. This is your SVG file's source: <!-- ...
Cliff Armstrong's user avatar
2 votes

Visio 2016 Font Transparency (Watermark)

Go into editing mode of your object's text. Right-click ... select Font. Here are some things you should not select: fill, line, font color, format shape. Under the Font tab of the Text ...
undrline - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
2 votes

I'd like to make my terminal look like tempered glass

It says right in the title that the plugin is only for Windows 10. Transparent windows are a complex feature heavily dependent on what compositor you are using, so I'm pretty sure it's impossible to ...
Igor Gunin's user avatar
2 votes

Downloaded png image becomes black/white

The reason that the downloaded image is something else from what you see when you loaded the image in a browser is simple. That "image URL" isn't a specific image every time it's pulled from ...
Yisroel Tech's user avatar
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1 vote

Changing colours in Gimp 2.10

Do a wand/fuzzy select on the background(*), then Select>Grow by one or two pixels (one if the image is very clean, two if it's a bit dirty (JPEG artefacts...)), so that the selection includes the ...
xenoid's user avatar
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1 vote

Is it possible for an image to be the complementary color of its background?

A transparent image – by definition – does not have a background color. In fact, a normal image file does not even have a concept of "foreground" or "background". Typically, images consist of only one ...
slhck's user avatar
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1 vote

Paint (Windows 8)

PNG files can have transparent parts, but Paint does not support this so will remove the transparency of your images if you try to use it. If you need to edit PNGs with transparency I suggest using a ...
Docconat's user avatar
1 vote

Paint (Windows 8)

Besides of RGB(Red-Green-Blue) properties of color, PNG files may contain one more property - Alpha channel that keep information about transparency. For example if you draw in GIMP solid black circle ...
Alex's user avatar
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1 vote

Reversing transparency in a png with photoshop

The problem is that they aren't stored as separate layers in PNG. It's just a rasterized bitmap, where every pixel has an RGBA value, ignorant of any context. Although there may be "true" ...
Jim's user avatar
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1 vote

inkscape transparency when exporting pdf?

Ungrouping the images in question a couple of times, until the status bar said "image" instead of "group of 1 object", fixed the problem. Some of the empty groups had mask and clip effects applied to ...
ROCKSTAR's user avatar
1 vote

"ubuntu terminal"-like console for windows?

Try MINTTY. You can look for installation tutorials online. Once you have installed it, you can open the options dialog box by right clicking the top bar of the terminal. The options provide all 4 ...
urvah shabbir's user avatar
1 vote

Windows 7 keyboard shortcut to make current window transparent?

Similar to Phoshi, I use an AutoHotKey script that's a slightly modified version of this. It uses Windows+Mouse Wheel Up/Down to adjust transparency, and Windows+Mouse Middle/Wheel Button to toggle ...
Terrance's user avatar
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