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Windows' File Explorer "Map Network Drive" generates an HTTP OPTIONS request that is unauthorized

The important difference is this part : Authorization: Basic am9lOkpvZVNjaG1vMSE= The string after the word "Basic" is a base64 encoding of your user-name and password. Your WebDAV server ...
harrymc's user avatar
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Scheduled robocopy in PowerShell from WebDAV shares not work with IIS share but with Nginx share

This solution requires the presence of a valid user account on the designated machine where scheduling will take place. To ensure smooth execution of the Task Scheduler job under this account, it's ...
Vomit IT - Chunky Mess Style's user avatar
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Webdav mapped drive reconnect (Windows)

For me the problem was solved by starting the WebClient service. Open the start menu and open "Computer Management". Choose "Services" from "Services and Applications". ...
Matthias's user avatar

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