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John Weldon's user avatar
John Weldon's user avatar
John Weldon
  • Member for 14 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
56 votes

Case sensitive searches in Google Chrome

29 votes

NotePad++ - Why does finding ^ not work?

15 votes

Why setting Powershell to set-executionpolicy remotesigned fails?

10 votes

What is the difference between executing a Bash script vs sourcing it?

9 votes

What does the sudo command do?

4 votes

Can a Windows 7 DVD be used to install both 32-bit and 64-bit versions?

4 votes

Browser extension to replace website JS with own JS

3 votes

Permanently reject Bluetooth pairing request

3 votes

WGET non-recursive mode

2 votes

Vim: How to comment multiple source code lines?

2 votes

exceptions in unix .forward mail forwarding

1 vote

Removing Google Chrome disables links from Outlook Email

1 vote

Removing Python 2.5 in Fedora

1 vote

Computer switches itself off periodically, but works fine at a friend's house

1 vote

Is it possible to successfully extract an archive file if the download is not complete

0 votes

Running programs by typing some alias in Windows

0 votes

How to reduce the pain of the command prompt