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Ricardo Bohner's user avatar
Ricardo Bohner
  • Member for 11 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
62 votes

How to change windows explorer view by keyboard?

37 votes

How do I mount the EFI partition on Windows 8.1 so that it is readable and writeable?

8 votes

How can I stop Linux from changing Windows's clock?

7 votes

Is it possible to see an entire window title?

5 votes

Adminstrator command runs fine using terminal but not in a .bat file

5 votes

How to get weather via cmd in Windows 8.1 using cURL?

4 votes

Is /min a valid switch for cmd.exe in Windows?

4 votes

How can I take screenshots of the PC before it boots up?

4 votes

I need to change the palette (.pal file) of multiple images at once. How can I do this?

4 votes

FFmpeg combining multiple -vf filters

4 votes

How to resize an animated webp?

4 votes

Is there a way to get file description field from the file metadata using the command line?

3 votes

How to reduce the size of a 1080p mp4 vid file by downsizing to 480p mp4 format, using ffmpeg

3 votes

Batch move files to different subfolders

3 votes

How to remove all characters after dot in folder name on Windows

3 votes

Why would the DIR command not be working for the documents folder in CMD?

2 votes

Batch script to replace .otf file names with title

2 votes

Get/set unknown filename variable with batch

2 votes

Capture Screen of BIOS/Booting on AMD

2 votes

Does 'defrag C: /b' really work for Windows boot optimization?

2 votes

How to search for files modified after a particular time?

2 votes

Need Assistance Resolving Windows Batch For /R Infinite Loop with 7-zip

2 votes

How to duplicate multiple of the same .mp4 video in notepad

2 votes

Windows search for a given directory containing a given file

2 votes

Extract the Absolute / Relative Path to a Folder Up in The Tree

2 votes

Batch script to create folder with date and subfolders

2 votes

How do i convert animated webp to Video?

2 votes

Dragging a file from anywhere onto a batch file that creates a shortcut to that file at a specific directory

2 votes

Set variable from exe output using batch file

2 votes

curl command is unable to upload files with unicode characters

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