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Arcege's user avatar
Arcege's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
3 votes

Search for files with more than one term (grep, awk?)

6 votes

Can I re-attach SSH key forwarding through a disconnected Screen session?

2 votes

How to find a content of any file in UNIX base system

2 votes

GNU Screen prepending dollar signs to window titles

0 votes

Run a GUI in screen or tmux (or alternative)

2 votes

using emacs shell with gnu screen?

0 votes

script to check for os libraries on RedHat 5.x and 6.x

1 vote

Is the zero exit status different to that of boolean logic when using the Linux shell?

0 votes

How do I edit a file currently being used by vi?

1 vote

Split vertical for GNU screen in cygwin

0 votes

running python script in gvim with conqueterm

1 vote

Use gnu-screen and X instead of desktop environment?

2 votes

Ubuntu shortcut shell script launcher for multiple items

6 votes

How can I disable any users (except root) from executing `wall`?

3 votes

Reopen screen session after connecting to server

1 vote

How do you get screen to automatically connect to the current ssh-agent when re-attaching to an existing screen?

1 vote

Authorized keys only from external IP, but passwords allowed internally

2 votes

What's the best command to use to change a timestamp to readable date when 'tail -f'-ing a log file?

1 vote

GNU Screen: Combining split-regions and full-screen sessions

5 votes

How to list all users that have terminal sessions, including screen sessions?

1 vote

gnu-screen: Automatically run script when attach/detach session

0 votes

find specific files using "find" command only in top directory

0 votes

gnome terminal moving through folders

0 votes

Launch process in new window, whether GNU screen session exists or not

1 vote

How can I find the PID of a process using its command line arguments?

1 vote

shell script post commit hook that just does date > /tmp/post-commit.log nothing is written to log file

1 vote

list files in specific directories older than 1 day or 24 hours

0 votes

Linux distribution popularity by location

1 vote

how to compare files/directories of 2 separate solaris boxes?

2 votes

Cron ignoring an update to crontab