I'm fairly new to WinSCP. I love having the "trash" feature, but of course I also want to occasionally quickly empty that "trash".

What would be a quick custom command to do that?

I believe this removes everything including the directory itself I'm right-clicking on:

test "!?Do you really want to delete ?no!" == "yes" && rm -rf !&

...but it would be great if I didn't have to delete and re-create the directory (since WinSCP doesn't automatically create it, when I delete a file and a /tmp directory is not present).

Would this work?

test "!?Do you really want to delete ?no!" == "yes" && rm -rf !&/*

I don't want to try it and accidentally delete everything in my root folder or something!

Any ideas?

  • question to moderators or expert users: does this question belong here or should it rather be on Stack Overflow? Jan 29, 2017 at 9:03
  • What's the point of !&/*? Use a fixed path to the recycle bin. Feb 1, 2017 at 11:00

1 Answer 1


Just delete only files in the recycle bin, using rm /path/to/recycle/bin/*.

A full custom command would be like:

test "!?Do you really want to delete ?no!" == "yes" && rm /path/to/recycle/bin/*

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