I have been trying to remove a locked folder from my Mac. I am logged in as admin.

When I try to delete it from Finder, it says

The operation can’t be completed because the item “X” is locked.

I have tried deleting it from the terminal by booting into recovery mode.

I have started my Mac using a Linux Live CD, mounted the Mac partition and tried removing it. Still no success.

I have also used:

chmod ugo+w .

chattr -i -a .

Also tried booting into single user mode to remove the folder. No luck.

  • 1
    If you have admin privileges, you can follow these steps to unlock the folder. It may ask you for an admin password. Nov 15, 2017 at 18:08

1 Answer 1

  1. Select the folder you want unlock from the Finder of the Mac

  2. Go to the File menu and choose “Get Info” (or hit Command+i)

  3. Look under ‘General’ and click the ‘Locked’ checkbox so that it’s unselected, this will unlock the folder

  • 3
    When I try to do that the checkbox is checked and the text 'Locked' is grayed out. This is after unlocking the Get Info panel.
    – uiwarrior
    Nov 16, 2017 at 16:13

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