I recently uploaded a large directory tree from my laptop to a cloud instance. Upon completing the upload Filezilla reported 3 files could not be transferred.

Is there some way I can find out which files were not transferred?

1 Answer 1


There should be a tab at the bottom called "Failed Transfers". If you click on it, it'll show what files failed to transfer. I can't get my own screenshot of the tab at this time, but below is a screenshot from the official website, which shows the failed transfers tab at the bottom of the screen.

Filezilla screenshot from the official website

  • 1
    Your answer led me to check View|Transfer queue which was unchecked, apparently by default, in my copy of Filezilla. As I write I'm re-doing the upload and I can see the Failed transfers count ticking up as the upload proceeds.
    – Argent
    Nov 17, 2017 at 0:49

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