In Word 2013 we can collapse/expand a header.

I want to toggle the collapsable ones for all headers.

How can I do that?

2 Answers 2


Right click on a header, select Expand/Collapse > Expand All Headings (or Collapse All Headings).

Also you may like to have shortcuts for them, so follow these steps:

From the File menu at left-top corner, choose Options.

In Word Options window from the left column select Customize Ribbon.

Then in right pane look at bottom of pane, you'll see Keyboard shortcuts:; click Customize...

In Customize Keyboard window, under Categories:, scroll down and select All Commands

Then click under Commands: and type in ExpandAllHeadings (By typing two first letters you'll get it)

Then put cursor in Press new shortcut key box and hold Alt key with E from keyboard, then click Assign. Now we have Alt+E shortcut for Expanding all headings.

Again under Commands: type in CollapseAllHeadings, and follow steps just same as above, but use Alt+C for it.

enter image description here

enter image description here

  • 1
    Thanks Iman. Do we have a hotkey for that?
    – Nam G VU
    Jan 29, 2014 at 10:52
  • 3
    Not by default, but we can assign one. I will modify the answer.
    – iman
    Jan 29, 2014 at 13:39

To collapse/expand all of a specific heading

From the Styles section in the Home ribbon, right click the specific heading style and choose Select All x Instance(s); this will select the text in the body of the document:

shows the Select All x Instance(s) menu item when right clicking a heading style

In the body, right click any of the selected text/headings and choose Expand Heading or Collapse Heading (not "All Headings"):

shows the Expand Heading and Collapse heading menu items when right-clicking a heading in the body

  • Hey, that was very helpful. I see that this post is quite old, but maybe you're still around. Any idea how to collapse all headings of a specific name? As an example, for each Heading 1, I have a couple Heading 2. And within each Heading 2, I have a couple of Heading 3. Every single Heading 2 has the same Heading 3s.... I want to collapse all of the Heading 3 named "Interpretation", but NOT the Heading 3 named "Checking" Oct 19, 2018 at 17:20
  • @MikeChristiansen Perhaps you could create two different headings with the same style to accomplish that, otherwise I think you'd have to go the route of writing a macro.
    – bdimag
    Oct 20, 2018 at 15:59
  • I've decided to use a different approach. Going to store the data in XML, and use XSLT to generate an HTML page. Use a different XSLT to see different things, rather than collapsing headings. Really is a better way forward anyway, for this project. Oct 20, 2018 at 17:20

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