Is there a keyboard shortcut to duplicate a tab in Google Chrome?

I've read through all the replies in the Google Chrome Forum thread, but there's no hope there.

The only hope I get from that page is:

Next update for Chrome should definitely include a duplicate shortcut.

  • shortcut now available. see my answer below.
    – cwd
    Apr 6, 2013 at 17:29
  • I'm looking for this too!
    – Nam G VU
    Apr 27, 2021 at 1:58
  • 11
    oh. man. after 10 years, still not available
    – Justin Lin
    Aug 17, 2021 at 23:42
  • If this is important to you, please star the chrome feature request crbug.com/916682
    – dgrogan
    Jan 9, 2022 at 22:16

20 Answers 20


There is not currently a keyboard shortcut to duplicate a tab in Google Chrome (see a list of keyboard shortcuts). However, it looks like Chrome may soon enable support for extensions to duplicate tabs, which means you might soon be able to find a Chrome extension that can duplicate a tab through a keyboard shortcut. Currently, all of the extensions that show up in the store don't preserve history.

Non-keyboard-wise, there are two ways you can duplicate a tab: either middle-click on the refresh button, or right-click on a tab and choose "Duplicate" from the menu:

Chrome screenshot

  • Weird it doesn't work for me on my new mouse.
    – Pacerier
    Mar 12, 2012 at 8:12
  • Middle click on refresh works in Firefox, too!
    – Rob
    Apr 19, 2012 at 14:44
  • on mac try the bettertouchtool - boastr.de this is working for me to simulate middle click with track pad, so i can use the refresh button trick
    – chrismarx
    May 4, 2012 at 17:13
  • 28
    On a magic mouse or trackpad, you can use ⌘ + click on the refresh button. Jun 7, 2012 at 23:44
  • @LanceFisher, It doesn't work on Windows.
    – Pacerier
    May 24, 2015 at 21:13

You can just press Alt+D then Alt+Enter. You don't even need to let go of the Alt key.

  • 21
    That is not the same as a true duplicate. It reloads the page whereas a true duplicate doesn't (if we scroll halfway through the page, we need to re-scroll)
    – Pacerier
    Mar 17, 2013 at 5:18
  • 18
    The "history" (back and forward state) and scroll state are not duplicated Jul 24, 2014 at 7:29
  • 3
    @PratikButani, The post state too (the one whereby you can resubmit on refresh).
    – Pacerier
    May 24, 2015 at 21:19
  • 11
    Also CTRL+L then Alt+Enter Dec 14, 2016 at 15:30
  • 10
    Of course for Mac, it's CMD+L then Alt+Enter Jan 10, 2020 at 19:11

It can be done as follows:

CTRL + L (Takes the cursor to the address bar)
ALT + ENTER (Opens a new tab with this url)

This looks as a good work around to me..

I referred: http://lifehacker.com/5387881/duplicate-a-google-chrome-tab-with-a-shortcut-key for this solution.

Hope it helps!!!

  • 10
    This isn't a true duplicate. For example, if you scrolled halfway through the document, the state isn't saved.
    – Pacerier
    May 14, 2013 at 12:33
  • 6
    whatever it's better than to do it with mouse
    – Tebe
    Jul 1, 2015 at 6:55
  • This does not duplicate the history, which is the main reason I personally need to duplicate a page (instead of just opening a link) Apr 3, 2020 at 21:53
  • 2
    And it's also better than having an extra extension installed! Apr 23, 2020 at 22:51
  • I'll pick this one as the simplest solution.
    – yclian
    Jan 6, 2022 at 10:48

The Duplicate Tab Shortcut Key extension allows native duplicate tab functionality with a customizable shortcut key.

Using the extension allows you to duplicate a tab with the browser's built in functionality so the history is preserved and the page isn't reloaded.


The tab key is customizable using Chrome's API - the extension doesn't just monitor each tab's DOM for the shortcut key event as some of the other extensions do.

The extension comes with fairly thorough documentation.


Yes and no. It's not a definite "Duplicated Tab". It's a two step process.

For Mac OS

Press Command+L to set the focus on the address bar and then press either:

Option+Return to duplicate the tab into a new tab, or

Shift+Return to duplicate the tab into a new window.

For Windows

Press Ctrl+L to set the focus on the address bar and then press Alt+Enter to duplicate the tab into a new tab.

  • 1
    This does not add any new information to existing answers, except the "Shift+Return" part.
    – Vylix
    Jul 4, 2017 at 19:28
  • 1
    You are repeating other answer
    – yass
    Jul 4, 2017 at 19:36
  • In macOS, you can actually use CMD + L then CMD + ENTER, which is much faster because you don't need to take your finger off the CMD key.
    – Merchako
    Feb 27, 2020 at 1:48

I wrote a simple script for AutoHotkey. Just paste this into Notepad and save as "scriptname.ahk" then double click it (make sure you have AutoHotkey installed).

Send {Esc}
MouseGetPos, X, Y
MouseClick, M, 75, 45,,0
MouseMove, X, Y, 0

!t is Alt+T, change it to whatever shortcut you need.

If you want it to only work in Chrome, put this line in the very beginning:

#IfWinActive, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_0
  • Where is it supposed to click, though? Apr 16, 2021 at 4:34
  • 1
    For context: This will click the middle mouse button at the x,y coordinates 75,45 relative to the active window unless that default was changed. Middle clicking on the refresh button will duplicate the current tab. In my installation, 75,45 is barely inside the refresh button so you may need to tweak the number. However, using AHK to solve this is probably not the most robust method. Nov 18, 2021 at 14:22

The address bar select + enter trick on OS X (not a "true duplicate", but close enough for me):

command+L command+enter

Thanks to https://superuser.com/a/310162/127024.

  • 1
    This works a treat - thank you! May 3, 2021 at 13:03
  • This is the right answer for Mac. Ty! May 7, 2022 at 15:51

On Mac cmd + l to focus on the address bar, from there cmd + Return opens a new tab in background and Shift + Return opens a new window.


The extension Duplicate Tab Shortcut solves the problem (and it's open source).

It includes functionality which I'm sure all tab duplicators would love:

As a bonus, entering the existing Ctrl+Shift+D shortcut here allows you to override 100% useless "bookmark all tabs in window" function.

It can also duplicate tabs in the background:

  • Second this. Open source is better.
    – thyu
    Mar 12, 2023 at 3:05
  • "new tab to the right" is gold. Useful to search on something related to the previous tab, and not lose context if the tab was opened all the way to the end.
    – tinker
    Mar 26 at 3:38
  • this should be marked as the default answer
    – tinker
    Mar 26 at 3:41

The better solution in Mac OS is adding a keyboard shortcut for applications. There is no need for adding an extension and no two step process

I have used 'control+g' as shortcut for duplicate tab in Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Reason for using control+g is that this combination is not used anywhere as mac os keyboard shortcut Screem shot from my mac

System Preferences-> Keyboard -> App Shortcuts (on left panel) -> Click '+' for adding new app shortcut-> Select 'Google Chrome'

  • Please add a screenshot. I'm not seeing App Shortcuts in macOS Catalina. Mar 21, 2021 at 15:01
  • Dude it's not duplicating the tab, it's duplicating the window Sep 14, 2021 at 10:13
  • Strange, for me it's opening a new tab. May be there are some other configuration in your chrome settings
    – C0DEPirate
    Sep 15, 2021 at 20:51

For MacOS Chrome:

Command+L to select address bar and then Command+enter to duplicate it


Maybe you can use the Smoothe Mouse Gestures add on to create a shortcut with a mouse gesture.


I read this question yesterday, and have just found a possible solution, that doesn't require a plugin, though it is not a keyboard shortcut as your question asked!

If you middle click (push the scroll wheel down) on the back button this opens a new tab with the same history, admittedly you are one step back in your history, but it is a duplicate.

  • read Jared Harley's ans
    – Pacerier
    May 19, 2011 at 6:55

On MacOS, you can do Cmd + L then Enter. It opens a duplicate tab at the end of tabs.

To open one right next to current one, I haven't found a shortcut key for it. Using mouse, you can do Cmd + click the Refresh button as mentioned above.


My favorite shortcut for duplicating a tab is as follows: alt+D+enter1.

Some other commands/series of commands are as follows:

  • ctrl+L2alt+D
  • f6alt+enter

As you may notice, these commands all put the focus on the omnibox whereupon you use alt+enter to "duplicate" the tab. Unfortunately, however, all of the said commands make use of alt+enter, which is not a true tab duplication command, but rather one which opens the same website in a separate tab (usually does not store current data such as your scroll-position and text typed into text-boxes).

1 If you are the technical type, however, you may want to know that this is actually a mashup of alt+D and alt+enter

2ctrl+L might be interpreted by the computer as a command to insert a link (in a text box).



(mac: Cmd+[L,Enter] )

Quote from lifehacker:

Just use the Alt+D shortcut key to put the focus into the address bar, and then use Alt+Enter to open that URL in a new tab. The trick is that you don't have to move your thumb off the Alt key—just push down Alt, then hit D and Enter in quick succession to duplicate the current tab in a new tab.


You can use chrome plugin Shortkeys (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/shortkeys-custom-keyboard/logpjaacgmcbpdkdchjiaagddngobkck)

then add a shortcut liks this: screenshoot of dialog


For Android users, the most obvious solution is to click + for a new tab, then click the RHS dropdown menu, chooseRecent tabs, and click the Show full history entry. The link to the target tab will be located close to the top of the list if the original tab was loaded recently. Select it to "duplicate" the tab.

Edit: Chrome key shortcuts are not a thing on Android, there was a hope the Recent Tabs would have one, but no. This answer might be better off as a comment.


You may try F6 and press Alt+Enter.

  • This only creates a new page, the "history" (back and forward state) and scroll state are not duplicated
    – Pacerier
    Jul 24, 2014 at 7:12
  • ALT+D+Enter is also same work. Jul 24, 2014 at 7:27

I just click the Location/Address to select the whole thing, Ctrl-C to copy it, Ctrl-T to open a new tab, click in the new Location/Address, Ctrl-V to paste, and Enter to load a copy.

  • 4
    but that doesn't preserve the history and everything else. it effectively on opens a new tab with the current page (unlike duplicate tab)
    – Pacerier
    May 17, 2011 at 6:12
  • sorry, but this isn't an answer to the question. it's not a duplicate. A duplicate retains history, position, etc. And it adds more steps. If the OP didn't want to save steps (at least 3 steps that you've described), then right-click > duplicate on the tab is much faster and less steps in the first place. Jul 14, 2014 at 18:13

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