There was a windows update 2 days before which got installed automatically. Today when I was using my computer suddenly my document editor got closed saying file not found to save in that location. So when I wen to my PC and to my shock I cannot see other drives than C drive.

Like this:

enter image description here

I went to disk management, to my surprise I cannot see the partitions there too

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


I doubt it had anything to do with the update. If the error appeared 2 days after the update. Where were the additional drive letters? On the same HD? A second one? Or maybe network folders?

If it was on the same HD - although it doesn't sound/look like it - it must be one of the three partitions/volumes behind the C-Drive. To mount the partition and assign a drive letter you can:

  • Right-click the volume
  • Click Change Drive Letter
  • Click the Add button.
  • Choose from a list of available drive letters. (You might not want to use A or B, which have historically been reserved for floppy drives and can sometimes confuse older software.)
  • Click OK

If you have two Harddisks and one of them disappears during operations and only comes back after several reboots you should make a backup, either the Harddisk or s.th. on the mainboard (HD controller etc.) seems to be faulty.

  • Mine has SSD + Hard Disk C drive is SSD and remaing are regular hard-disk. I restarted the PC several times and it worked. Aug 15, 2020 at 16:31
  • @VISWESWARANNAGASIVAM Ok, if you have two Harddisks and one of them disappears during operations and comes back after several reboots you should make a backup, either the Harddisk or s.th. on the mainboard (HD controller etc.) seems to be faulty.
    – Albin
    Aug 15, 2020 at 20:00

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