I'm using the linux 'script' command http://www.linuxcommand.org/man_pages/script1.html to track some interactive sessions. The output files from that contain unprintable characters, including my backspace keystrokes.

Is there a way to tidy these output files up so they only contain what was displayed on screen?

Or is there another way to record an interactive shell session (input and output)?

  • 1
    "Or is there another way to record an interactive shell session (input and output)?" Do you know asciinema.org ?
    – masterxilo
    May 3, 2018 at 15:55

13 Answers 13


If you want to view the file, then you can send the output through col -bp; this interprets the control characters. Then you can pipe through less, if you like.

col -bp typescript | less -R

On some systems col wouldn't accept a filename argument, use this syntax instead:

col -bp <typescript | less -R
  • 3
    on my system, col wouldn't accept a filename, so I did col -bp < typescript and got what I wanted.
    – Andrew
    Mar 19, 2012 at 12:19
  • 1
    Doesn't work for me, scrambles some of the output.
    – Alex
    Dec 23, 2016 at 23:53
  • 1
    On my system less -R by itself provides better output than piping through col -bp first. Apr 25, 2017 at 22:13
  • 1
    @BrianHawkins I concur. Using col -bp <typescript | less -R does not display the colorized console. Using less -R typescript does display the colorized console! May 31, 2017 at 12:51
  • this is only good if you want to view the script interactively in less. Oct 24, 2018 at 15:57
cat typescript | perl -pe 's/\e([^\[\]]|\[.*?[a-zA-Z]|\].*?\a)//g' | col -b > typescript-processed

here's some interpretation of the string input to perl:

  • s/pattern//g means to do a substitution on the entire (the g option means do the entire thing instead of stopping on the first substitute) input string

here's some interpretation of the regex pattern:

  • \e match the special "escape" control character (ASCII 0x1A)
  • ( and ) are the beginning and end of a group
  • | means the group can match one of N patterns. where the N patterns are
    • [^\[\]] or
    • \[.*?[a-zA-Z] or
    • \].*?\a
  • [^\[\]] means
    • match a set of NOT characters where the not characters are [ and ]
  • \[.*?[a-zA-Z] means
    • match a string starting with [ then do a non-greedy .*? until the first alpha character
  • \].*?\a means
    • match a string that starts with ] then do a non-greedy .*? until you hit the special control character called "the alert (bell) character"
  • 1
    I still need to figure out how, but this really works ;)
    – asdmin
    Feb 10, 2016 at 6:21
  • @asdmin - Basically, this echoes the output of the typescript to a perl program that removes certain control characters from the output, then pipes the output to the unix col command, whose -b option removes any "delete" key artifacts in the transcript. It then pipes the output to a text file.
    – Myer
    Feb 10, 2016 at 9:57
  • This scrambles the output in the first line of the typescript for me but is the best answer.
    – Alex
    Dec 23, 2016 at 23:58
  • This seems to work very well with some typescripts; it's certainly more readable than the output produced by the accepted answer. Oct 23, 2017 at 2:38
  • legendary answer!
    – zack
    Apr 20, 2018 at 17:35

I used cat filename which removes control characters :-)

  • 1
    imo this is a nicer answer, since it really removes all the control characters. Sep 23, 2014 at 11:02
  • on OSX, cat does not remove colour control characters...
    – Nick
    Dec 10, 2014 at 18:04
  • 14
    Actually cat doesn't remove the control characters at all, rather it outputs them verbatim, and the terminal then interprets them. That might work for you if your typescript is short relative to your terminal buffer and you can just copy and paste from the terminal. Not so good if your typescript is large though.
    – mc0e
    Jun 5, 2016 at 11:51
  • 1
    Agreed. This doesn't remove anything. It simply allows the shell to interpret them. They are still present.
    – Kentgrav
    Aug 24, 2017 at 16:30

col -bp processes the backspaces as desired (AFAIK). But it mangles the color escape sequences. It might be good to remove the color sequences first, then process the backspaces, if possible.

This is a very common need, and I'm surprised there are not more solutions to it. It is extremely common to script a session, then somebody has a need to review the procedure. You want to cut out all the little typing mistakes, and color escape sequences to create a "clean" script of the procedure for future reference. Simple ASCII text preferred. I think this is what is intended by "human readable", and it is a very reasonable thing to do.


For a large quantity of script output, I'd hack a perl script together iteratively. Otherwise hand edit with a good editor.

There is unlikely to be an existing automated method of removing control characters from script output in a way that reproduces what was displayed on the screen at certain important moments (such as when the host was waiting for that first character of some user input).

For example the screen might be blank except for Andrew $, if you then typed rm /* and pressed backspace twelve times (far more than needed), what gets shown on the screen at the end of that depends on what shell was running, what your current stty settings are (which you might change partway through a session) and probably some other factors too.

The above applies to any automated method of continuously capturing input and output. The main alternative is taking "screen shots" or cutting and pasting the screen at appropriate times during the session (which is what I do for user guides, notes for a day-log, etc).


An answer to the second part of my question is to use the logging facility in gnu screen: ^A H from within a running screen session. The documentation is at http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/manual/screen.html#Logging


If what you're after is to record your commands (e.g. to later turn them into a bash script), then a reasonable hack is to run script(1), then inside it run

bash -x

Afterwards grep the output file (usually "typescript") looking for lines starting with a "+". The regular expression ^\+ will do the trick.


If you want to write the output to a file:

col -bp < typescript >>newfile

use unix2dos command to convert file to Windows format if you want

  • 1
    On Ubuntu 14.04, that leaves in a lot of junk at the start and end of lines. Quite readable, but not really clean.
    – mc0e
    Jun 5, 2016 at 11:54

I found the answer that dewtall provided to a similar question on the Unix board to be more effective at removing control characters from the output of script if you are in an environment where Perl is available to you.

dewtall's script:

while (<>) {
    s/ \e[ #%()*+\-.\/]. |
       \r | # Remove extra carriage returns also
       (?:\e\[|\x9b) [ -?]* [@-~] | # CSI ... Cmd
       (?:\e\]|\x9d) .*? (?:\e\\|[\a\x9c]) | # OSC ... (ST|BEL)
       (?:\e[P^_]|[\x90\x9e\x9f]) .*? (?:\e\\|\x9c) | # (DCS|PM|APC) ... ST
       \e.|[\x80-\x9f] //xg;
       1 while s/[^\b][\b]//g;  # remove all non-backspace followed by backspace

To remove the control characters:

./dewtalls-script.pl < output-from-script-that-needs-control-characters-removed

https://github.com/RadixSeven/typescript2txt was written to solve this problem.

It's been 4 years since I last updated/used it, but I don't remember doing anything fancy that shouldn't still work today.


One other solution is to use strings which prints only printable characters from a file (or from standard input):

strings -n 1 filename

The -n 1 option sets the minimum length of the sequences to be preserved to one and thus makes sure even single printable characters surrounded by non-printable characters are preserved.

One possible downside of this approach is that strings adds line breaks between contiguous strings of printable characters. For instance a file with content


(where <SOMECONTROLCHAR> is control character or any other non-printable character) would be returned as


Another issue brought up in the comments is that some sequences of control characters consist of a combination of both printable and non-printable characters and this approach would only remove part of those.

However, strings does a good job of removing control characters like the backspace mentioned in the question.

  • strings does not remove all non-printable characters. It identifies and prints sequences of printable characters. That is not the same thing.
    – user
    Apr 1, 2016 at 15:13
  • @MichaelKjörling, you're right, by default strings only prints sequences of a minimum length of 4. I've corrected my answer by adding the -n 1 option which sets the minimum length to 1. Thanks for pointing this out. Apr 2, 2016 at 21:30
  • The answer still makes the same claim that strings removes all non-printable characters, so it is still wrong in the same way it was before the edit. It's also obviously broken because "some color code" (and control codes in general) often consist of both printable and non-printable characters. For example, a control code sequence to change the text color might be ESC[01;52m where ESC is the single escape character (byte value 27). Using strings as you suggest would leave [01;52m in the output, which is meaningless.
    – user
    Apr 3, 2016 at 12:28
  • Good point, @MichaelKjörling. Especially the example with the color code was very unfortunate. Thanks for helping me to improve my answer. Do the edits address your concerns appropriately? strings might not do the same job as some of the other answers but IMHO it is a valid approach to solve the problem described in the question. Apr 4, 2016 at 20:30

I found a good way to do it. On my system, long output lines are sprinkled with " ^M" (blank space followed by carriage return). The "^M" can be nicely replaced with the null character "^@", which does not display at all when you cat the file.

I capture timing too, so in order to replay the file perfectly, I cannot simply remove " ^M" completely using the commands below (because scriptreplay counts bytes):

tr '\r' '\0' | sed 's/ \x0//g'

I run my script command like this:

script -t -f session.log 2>timing

So, what I do afterwards is:

cat session.log | tr '\r' '\0' > typescript 
scriptreplay -t timing | sed 's/ \x0//g'

The first edit (before replay) retains the number of bytes in the file. The second edit (after the replay) gets rid of white space in random places. (Note that by default scriptreplay looks for input file named "typescript", which is why I did not provide it after "timing".)


dos2unix on the output will also do the trick

  • 7
    Could you explain how to use it to accomplish the task?
    – Ben N
    Jan 5, 2016 at 23:05

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