I have a column of currency formatted cells (C8:C15) and a markup rate of 15% which is entered into B19. I want to have the markup rate applied to C8:C15. Starting with C8 I entered the formula =B8 + $B$19 but this merely gave me $24.15.

I know I can write *1.15 to get the correct result but this is for a school assignment and the teacher wants me to use "absolute cell referencing". Basically I have to refer to the cell C8 as the formula, not just write *1.15.

Here's a picture with the project that might help explain:

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


What's the matter with using

=B8 * (1 + $B$19)


  • Feel free to accept this answer if your problem is solved.
    – Matt Ball
    Oct 9, 2011 at 3:49
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    – Issun
    Oct 9, 2011 at 12:23

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