In some applications (like gedit or MS Word) the standard ctrl + v / c / z / y / s shotcuts have stopped working.

Instead I have to use ctrl + ins for copying, shift + ins for pasting and so on.

This, as you can guess, is really annoying (though in gedit it strongly discourages cut and paste code if you know if I mean). But still, what have I done wrong and how I can fix it? In the system as a whole, standard shortcuts are working OK, and only some applications are affected.

  • Have you recently install any new application? This comes through my mind first because I believe it catches all the events from keyboard and doesn't forward them to others as usual.
    – Truong Ha
    Apr 11, 2012 at 7:07
  • Actually now, but I'm working on the laptop provided to me by my employing company. But the first three months I was working on it there was no problem.
    – JusRon
    Apr 11, 2012 at 22:46

1 Answer 1


At least in Word, check Options under Customize Ribbon to make sure your shortcuts have not been altered. If so, you may need to reset.

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