I know that OneNote keeps a history for each page in a notebook and that I can access this history for each individual page, but is there any way to get a change log for the entire notebook?

For context, we use OneNote at work to record our ISO9001 quality management system. We've got an audit coming up and I'd like to be able to:

  1. quickly demonstrate that it's actively being maintained
  2. show what changes have been made since the last audit

Even if the solution is a 3rd party tool, I'd settle for that.


1 Answer 1


It turns out I was missing something really obvious. On the Share tab, simply click the Recent Edits button and select one of the timescale options in the menu that appears:

The Recent Edits button on the Share tab


  • nowadays this ribbon menu has been renamed to History
    – Jörg
    Jan 27, 2017 at 14:27

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