I'm new to ssh and tmux. I want to run a rake task on a remote server via ssh but I want to shutdown my computer and want the task to continue running on the server.

So I discovered tmux with seems to do that, but last night I got an write error, broken pipe. After I reattached the tmux session. My internet home internet is very unstable, so i may got a new IP, is that a problem? So, how can I prevent this?

  • You mean the re-attach succeeded? or it failed with "write error"? Did you start tmux on your local computer or on the server?
    – Thor
    Oct 17, 2012 at 8:43
  • I ran tmux on my maschine. I did: tmux; ssh server.foo; rake something; close terminal + shut down computer.
    – ThommyH
    Oct 17, 2012 at 11:56

1 Answer 1


As I understand you, you want to leave a program running on a server and the program should run within tmux. To make this work you have to run tmux on the server.


client$ ssh server
server$ tmux
server$ program

[detach from tmux]

server$ exit

To reattach you can do:

client$ ssh server
server$ tmux attach

In one line

client$ ssh -t server tmux new program


If you add -d switch to new the tmux session will not attach, but run in the background. Something like this:

client$ ssh -qt server tmux new -d "'program'"

Note that you need to double quote the command if it contains whitespace.

Reattach with:

ssh -t server tmux attach

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