I would like to have arbitrary arrangements of vim and other terminal panes within tmux. This is a simple example:

|           |            |         |
|           |            |         |
|           |            |         |
|   VIM     |   NOT VIM  |   VIM   |
|           |            |         |
|           |            |         |
|           |            |         |

I know I can do this if I use two separate Vim sessions for the left and right panes. But I would like both to keep all Vims within the same session-- i.e. all with access to the same set of open buffers. Is it possible to have such multiple non-adjacent vim windows within the same session?

2 Answers 2


The only way to achieve something like that layout is with window splits in Vim, and a (rather poorly) emulated terminal (e.g. with the Conque Shell - Run interactive commands inside a Vim buffer in the middle.

Unlike Emacs, Vim does not have a separation of server and (multiple) view clients.

  • Ah-- good to know. Yes, I've tried Conque and found there were too many minor irritations to make it worth using. Feb 28, 2013 at 1:27

One Vim = one session.

You can't share a session between two Vim instances.

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