I'm trying to help someone out with their domain. The Name Servers are on Enom. They need the subdomain m.example.com to point somewhere specific for a mobile version of the site. In order to set a CName or A record I have to park the domain. I parked the domain and set the DNS as following:

www -> CNAME -> (Previous Name Server) m -> CNAME -> (Server URL)

My assumption was I could put the previous name server in as a cname for the www, but that appears to not be the case. Is there another way to do this?

2 Answers 2


CNAME records don't point to URLs. They just point to hostnames.

VALID: www.example.com -> asdf.example.net  
WRONG: www.example.com -> http://asdf.example.net

A CNAME is a Canonical Name record, ie an alias. So in the example, a user entering www.example.com will get the DNS Records associated with asdf.example.com.

  • That is how I did it. I'm assuming it's not working because I'm trying to use a nameserver instead of a specific website url.
    – Jhorra
    Oct 11, 2013 at 20:47
  • Um, I don't think you read what I wrote... Try again.
    – Chris S
    Oct 11, 2013 at 22:09

I believe you should just point directly to the hostname you want in the URL. If your host you want to server the contnet has the URL http://www.example.net, then you would create CNAME for m.example.com that returns www.example.net. You should have no CNAME pointing to name servers.

The server that is providing the content needs to configured to handle requests for m.example.com. If not, it will serve up content from its default domain. It is possible to configure servers so that the default domain only provides error responses.

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