While typing I realize that I need to move to the beginning of the line. Usually I use Esc and I. But I am wondering if there is another way to move to the beginning of the line in the insert mode.

  • What platform? Mac Linux Windows GUI or terminal? Jan 25, 2014 at 5:18
  • Just to be said, it would certainly be preferable to stick with <Esc> then move, insert, replace or whatever. That way your changes will be registred in the undo tree.
    – Yannick
    Jan 27, 2014 at 7:34

5 Answers 5


You can use Ctrl-o which switches to normal mode for one command. This allows you to do movements, such as:

  • Ctrl-o, 0 beginning of line
  • Ctrl-o, $ end of line
  • Ctrl-o, f, y find first y in sentence
  • While the question does ask about insert mode only, here's an alternative that achieves the same thing: <C-c>I and <C-c>A, note the capitals.
    – jeanluc
    Jun 30, 2023 at 17:16

I will remap some shortcut keys in my vimrc, most of them are cursor moving under the Insert mode.

For example, I will use the Emacs-Like (as same as in Linux Terminal) shortcut:

map <C-a> <ESC>^
imap <C-a> <ESC>I
map <C-e> <ESC>$
imap <C-e> <ESC>A
inoremap <M-f> <ESC><Space>Wi
inoremap <M-b> <Esc>Bi
inoremap <M-d> <ESC>cW

That means:

  • Ctrl+a: Go to beginning of the line [Normal Mode && Insert Mode]
  • Ctrl+e: Go to end of line [Normal Mode && Insert Mode]
  • Alt+f: Backward a word [Insert Mode]
  • Alt+b: Forward a word [Insert Mode]
  • Alt+d: Delete a word (backward) [Insert Mode]

Of cause, vim has default shortcut key for Delete a word (forward) [Insert Mode], that is Ctrl+w

  • C-w only exists in insert mode, and deletes backwards to the beginning of the current (or previous) word
    – usretc
    Dec 30, 2023 at 21:53

The Home key works in Vim while in insert mode.


I find this package quite helpful to setup emacs bindings in vim insert mode: https://github.com/kentarosasaki/vim-emacs-bindings

Copying the code from there as suggested by members:

" insert mode
imap <C-p> <Up>
imap <C-n> <Down>
imap <C-b> <Left>
imap <C-f> <Right>
imap <C-a> <C-o>:call <SID>home()<CR>
imap <C-e> <End>
imap <C-d> <Del>
imap <C-h> <BS>
imap <C-k> <C-r>=<SID>kill()<CR>

function! s:home()
  let start_column = col('.')
  normal! ^
  if col('.') == start_column
    normal! 0
  return ''

function! s:kill()
  let [text_before, text_after] = s:split_line()
  if len(text_after) == 0
    normal! J
    call setline(line('.'), text_before)
  return ''

function! s:split_line()
  let line_text = getline(line('.'))
  let text_after  = line_text[col('.')-1 :]
  let text_before = (col('.') > 1) ? line_text[: col('.')-2] : ''
  return [text_before, text_after]
  • 2
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While in Insert mode, the Home key moves the cursor to the beginning of the line. If in Normal mode, "SHIFT+I" moves the cursor to the line's first position, changing mode also to Insert mode.

I note that the Insert mode CTRL+o and :(linenumber) is still a viable means to jump directly another line from insert mode to insert mode, however practical/impractical you could find it. It works.

$>vim --version VIM - Vi IMproved 8.2 (2019 Dec 12, compiled Feb 21 2021 23:02:54) MS-Windows 64-bit console version Included patches: 1-2541 Compiled by appveyor@APPVYR-WIN Huge version without GUI.:

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