I use Outlook 2013 and an IMAP account for my mails. I have configured several filters (rules) directly in the webmail application of my provider in order to deliver certain mails, e.g., from my boss, into certain folders other then the "inbox". Note that I did not define any rules in Outlook itself and I also do not want to do so (because I want these mails being delivered into the folders not only in Outlook but also on other devices).

The problem is that that I receive desktop notifications only for incoming mails in the main folder ("Inbox") but not for mails in any of the other folders.

3 Answers 3


There are some things you can do to fix this:

1) If you have Skype, make sure it is fully updated (or uninstall it temporarily, or quit it - right click > quit).

2) Open Outlook in safe mode by holding Ctrl when opening. If this works, then one-by-one, disable all add-ons / extensions.

3) Go to File > Manage Rules and Alerts > New Rule > Apply Rule on message I receive > Next > Yes > Display Desktop Alert > Next > Yes > Finish > Move this rule to the top.

This happened to me and I fixed it by doing option 1) and then 3)

Instead of step 3), you could also make new rules for each of the folders on your account - just select them after pressing the first 'next' (after 'new rule')


Things to try :):

  • New rule 'apply rule on message I recieve' > 'with specific words in the recipients address' and make the 'word' your email address.

  • New rule 'through the specified account' and make the account your account.

  • Go to home tab > rules > create rule > Sent to: YOUR NAME:

enter image description here

  • great, I'll try this on Monday when I'm back in my office. Thanks in advance. May 30, 2014 at 20:30
  • @hplieninger Welcome. As I said, you probably have Skype installed, do you? At your office, will you be allowed to make these edits? Work computer restrictions can be very annoying sometimes... please +1 if you find my answer to be helpful :) May 30, 2014 at 20:32
  • I found it helpful, but it did not solve the problem. I have admin rights. I uninstalled skype (first for me, then for everybody), I re-installed skype desktop, i set up a new rule, i tried it in safe mode, i removed my imap account and set it up from scatch... Nothing works. I receive notifications only for my inbox, but not for any of the other folders. Jun 2, 2014 at 8:19
  • I forgot to ask about your last recommendation ("Instead of step 3"). In Outlook 2013, I cannot find an option to make a rule for a folder, I can make rules only for a whole account... Jun 2, 2014 at 13:39
  • @hplieninger See new edit! Jun 2, 2014 at 16:46

Have you tried this:

  • In "Home" tab click Rules > Manage Rules and Alerts
  • Click "New Rule"
  • Select "Apply Rule on messages I receive"
  • Without selecting anything click "Next" and confirm your choice
  • Select "Display Desktop Alert" and click "Next"
  • Without selecting anything click "Next" and confirm your choice
  • Click "Finish"

Information is taken from here

  • I tried it once again, but unfortunately it does not work. The screenshots from the provided link do not look like Outlook 2013, maybe that's the reason...?? May 30, 2014 at 7:38

Edited Answer

  1. Open the Rules and Alerts dialog;
    a. Outlook 2003 an Outlook 2007
    Tools-> Rules and Alerts… (press OK if you get an HTTP warning)
    b. Outlook 2010
    tab Home-> group Move-> button Rules-> Manage Rules & Alerts…
  2. Button New Rule…
    3.Select "Start from a blank rule" and verify that "Check messages when they arrive" is selected.
  3. Press Next to go to the Conditions screen.
  4. Verify that no condition is selected and press Next.
  5. A warning will pop-up stating that this rule will apply to all messages. Press "Yes" to indicate that that is correct.
  6. Select the action "display a Desktop Alert".
  7. Press Finish to complete the rule.
  8. If not already on top move the "display a Desktop Alert" rule all the way to the top.

Lastly Apply & OK.

This should give you Desktop Alerts for all the mails.

  • Unfortunately, this is not the solution. As I said (please re-read my question), the filters/rules are not defined in Outlook itself. Jun 2, 2014 at 6:27
  • @hplieninger Sorry. If I understand correct now, So you have all the rules configured in WebApp itself. Is the webmail app Outlook Web Access (OWA) or is it something else like Gmail. Jun 2, 2014 at 8:37
  • It's something else, namely, an account hosted by my university. Jun 2, 2014 at 8:47
  • @hplieninger Edited my answer. Jun 2, 2014 at 13:24
  • Still, you did not answer the question. It is about Outlook 2013. Moreover, your suggestion was already given by @smc, and, believe me, I have defined dozens of desktop alert-rules in the last days, none of them did what I wanted. Jun 2, 2014 at 13:43

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