
I want to install Microsoft windows server 2012 within windows 7 and then my pc will be dual boot operating system. What the process of it?

  • Are you talking about a VM or dual boot? With dual boot, you don't install one inside the other. They are totally separate and you choose which you want to run. With a VM, you run one inside the other.
    – fixer1234
    Jul 22, 2015 at 6:27

1 Answer 1


Back in the days when I had my desktop PC. I used to partition my hard disk into multiple drives and install multiple windows OS in those separate drives. Like Windiows XP on C drive and Windows 7 on D drive. The OS selection screen would come up after your BIOS finished loading. I guess this would applies even today.

Partition your hard disk using Adminstrative tools>Computer Management>Disk Management under Storage option.

Dont forget to choose separate drives when you install Operating systems.


  • I am going to install server 2012 from USB flash drive(8gb), but I can't boot into it from bios. There is many options to boot first device but nothing works. The options are: 1) HARD DISK 2) CDROM 3) USB FDD 4)USB ZIP 5)USB CDROM 6)USB HDD Jul 22, 2015 at 7:35
  • Do you know if the files on the flash drive allows you to boot into it? There are a couple of programs which helps you to turn your flash drive and an ISO image into a bootable one.for example rufus.akeo.ie Jul 22, 2015 at 8:06
  • I have done the flash drive bootable and load iso file into it using ISOtoUSB software. Jul 22, 2015 at 9:09

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