I am connected to ISP using "IPoE" authentification.

It works this way. When a new network device is connected, it gets a local IP address (100.x.x.x) with 10 min lease, and there web authorization is required with user name and password.

After a successful authorization the router gets an internet IP with also a 10 min. lease.

When access to internet is closed, i.g. because a bill has not be paid, the wan interface gets back a 100.x.x.x. address. The access is only to internal resources.

I want to catch this kind of events by a script. It is quite easy to catch ifup or ifdown events in hotplug.d, but there is a problem.

In some cases when there is a problem on ISP side the lease expire, but the new address is not granted. WAN interface stays up, but without any address.

I get a log message

daemon.notice netifd: wan (1019): Lease lost, entering init state

What is a way to catch this event other that just parse logs?

  • Are you trying to catch this internally on the router or externally from a device? If it is internal, you could check whether the Wan address starts with 100. if it is the same IP Address you could ping it directly and respond on a reply
    – Michael B
    Nov 1, 2015 at 14:19
  • I try it internally. I really plan to check the IP, but first I need to catch a lease lost event. I do not want to check the IP by cron or a persistent script.
    – Pilot6
    Nov 1, 2015 at 14:51
  • I'm not near an openwrt router to confirm this, but there, and I can't find a reference to it on chaos calmer - however, on older routers there was a file for configuring the dhclient that had a dhcclient-exit-hook that you could put a script in. It might be a place to start...
    – Michael B
    Nov 1, 2015 at 15:42

1 Answer 1


I found a solution.

Busybox dhcp client calls deconfig_interface() in /lib/netifd/dhcp.script in case of renew timeout.

I can add some call of a script there.

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