I asked this question a while ago but it got lost, so I deleted the previous one and created this new one with updates from the comments.

I just installed Windows 8.1 in a partition of my Lenovo Thinkpad T420 which also has an Ubuntu partition. As usual, GRUB was lost so I entered with a Live CD and recovered it succesfully, being able to boot both OSs.

The issue is that I already had a shared logical NTFS partition and I can't access it from Windows now. I entered Computer Management and the partitions are there but are shown with 100% free space. This is pretty obvious with the Ext4 partitions, since Windows can't access them, but this also happens with the NTFS partition, as shown in the following image.

enter image description here

I googled about this and ended up using DISKPART in order to manually mount my partition, but I got an error that says my partition is not assigned to any volume, and when I list them, no volume is shown for the partitions shown in the previous list in the following image.

enter image description here

If I run fdisk -l on the partition it says it can't be opened.

1 Answer 1


There are many disk recovery tools.

You can use for example TestDisk.

It is possible that some partition parameters are not written correctly in header so partition is not recognized properly.

  • I will try this and update the post accordingly, thanks a lot!
    – oxfist
    Nov 3, 2015 at 1:42

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