I currently have data that has a date and item number and I'm looking to pull the price from a different sheet.


Gives me my price of Jan 1


Gives me my price of Jan 3

The problem is that each date has its own sheet but I want a single formula to find the date of the data to reference the sheet correlating to that date.

My end goal is to have a formula that references the date to go and do a vlookup on the related sheet.

=Vlookup(#,[Order Date's Referenced Page](Range),2,0)

1 Answer 1


You're going to need to use INDIRECT to specify this:


Where A11 is your sheet name, A2:B8 is of course your range. These are simply strings you can manipulate however you need to. Without a sample of the data you're working with, I can't say exactly what tweaks may need making, but hopefully puts you on the right path.

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