I have a folder full of recordings which all read: " rec.(unixtime).mp3 "

ex: "rec.1447666687584.mp3" ideally turns into something like "10-16-2015_01-38-07.mp3"

I need to convert these filenames pretty regularly so I'm assuming writing a bat file is the best way to do this.

it seems easy enough to remove the first three characters as seen over here How can I remove the first character from all filenames in a folder?

and the mathematics for converting from epoch to days seems straightfoward as well ((((epochtimevalue/1000)/60)/60)/24) + the date 1/1/1970.

Does anyone have a straightforward solution for converting filenames like this?

  • Your math is wrong. You don't say what time zone you are in, but the GMT value for that epoch time is 11-16-2015_04-38-07.
    – dbenham
    Jan 17, 2016 at 5:32
  • Doh! - my mistake. I accidentally posted the U.S. Eastern standard time (GMT - 5:00) equivalent. The GMT time is 11-16-2015_09-38-07
    – dbenham
    Jan 17, 2016 at 5:50

1 Answer 1


My JREN.BAT regular expression renaming utility is perfect for this problem. It is pure script (hybrid JScript/batch) that runs natively on any Windows machine from XP onward. Full documentation is built into the script, and can be reached by executing jren /? (or jren /?? if you want paged help).

JREN.BAT allows you to match and rename files using regular expressions, and the replacement string can be a JScript expression. Built into the utility is a sophisticated timestamp formatting function that makes the job really easy.

The following one liner will rename all "rec.EpochTime.mp3" files in the current directory to
"MM-DD-YYYY_hh-mm-ss.mp3" format. It will convert the epoch time using your local time zone. There are additional options that allow you to specify a specific time zone for the output.

jren "^rec\.(\d+)\.mp3$" "ts({dt:$1,fmt:'{mm}-{dd}-{yyyy}_{hh}-{nn}-{ss}.mp3'})" /j

But I strongly advise that you change the date format from MM-DD-YYYY to YYYY-MM-DD instead. This allows you to easily sort your directory listings chronologically. The {iso-dt} format is shorthand for {yyyy}-{mm}-{dd}.

jren "^rec\.(\d+)\.mp3$" "ts({dt:$1,fmt:'{iso-dt}_{hh}-{nn}-{ss}.mp3'})" /j

Given that JREN is itself a batch script, you should use CALL JREN if you put the command within another batch script.

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