I have a pdf file, generated by Latex, which contains hyperlinks to open an excel file (excel 2003). I posted a question to Latex forums in enter link description here so that I can make each link opens the excel file on a specific cell; but no one could give me the answer. I found an answer by brettdj in enter link description here

which uses a vbs file to open a specif cell in the excel file. The problem is that the file location (in strFileName =) is an absolute, so when I take the vbs and excel file to another folder

or to another computer, the link does not work; and a message "file not found" is displayed.

Is there a way to do this, or to make the path to the excel file relative to where the vbs file is located; so that when the vbs

and excel files are moved to another location the file can still be opened.

I posted this question in enter link description here but I got no answer

1 Answer 1

Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim CurrentDirectory
CurrentDirectory = objFSO.GetAbsolutePathName(".")

I saved the VBS as C:\Users\Jonno\Documents\test.vbs - It gives the output C:\Users\Jonno\Documents. To use it put something like

strFileName = CurrentDirectory & "\test.xlsx"

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