USB type C and Thunderbolt 3 use the same plugs/cables/connectors.

While it is not possible for a computer with a USB-C port to connect to a Thunderbolt device, is it possible for a computer with a Thunderbolt port to connect with an USB-C device?

2 Answers 2


Just because the plug fits does not mean it will work.

A Thunderbolt device must connect with a Thunderbolt controller. If the computer does not have Thunderbolt, then attaching a Thunderbolt device to it will not work even though the connector is the same.

The opposite is true, however. If a computer has Thunderbolt, a USB device plugged into the Thunderbolt port will work. The reason the plug design is the same is so that space can be saved on ultra-slim laptops by not having multiple ports.

I hope this answers your question.


As you can see on this slide from Intel, not all USB-C ports will be equal indeed..

IDF 2015: Not all USB-C Omputer Ports will be equal

  • If this image is trying to show the different symbols next to the port then that is hard to decipher with the resolution of the graphic. May 10, 2017 at 0:29
  • 1
    Yes sorry about that you're right. I just uploaded a bigger image to my post
    – Fabien
    May 10, 2017 at 22:08

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