62705300019623531 0000009200AR000000027283 HILL , CLAY
62705300019623531 0000009200AR000000046485 HILL , CLAY
62705300019623531 0000009200AR000000027787 HILL, DORIS M

like on the file i post i have a huge file with different duplicate names, for example i want to delete the second line item for Hill Clay even the other numbers are not duplicate , i need only the first record (line Item) and remove the are lines that contain the same first and last name. In Excel i can highlights the column and remove duplicate,it is not working for me, even when I use mark all or RegRex place? maybe I am using wrong path or formula ? please advise!


1 Answer 1


This is not a task for an editor, although it could be done via (python) scripting of np++.

I would rather suggest using the awk interpreter (you can download native windows executable):

Create script.awk with content:

{ name=gensub(/^[0-9A-Z]+ [0-9A-Z]+ /, "", 1) }

$1 == oldnum && name==oldname {next}

{ print $0, oldnum=$1; oldname=name}

Then run

awk -f script.awk yourfile.txt > output.txt

And let's see how it's possible within np++ using the python scripting. Assuming that the Python Script plugin and the python interpreter is installed, you can write this code selecting Plugins->Python Script->New Script (the identation levels must be kept):

from Npp import *

content = editor.getText()
newcontent = ""

for line in content.splitlines():
    fields = line.split( None, 2)
    if fields[0] != oldnum or fields[2] != oldname:
        newcontent += line + "\n"
        oldnum = fields[0]
        oldname = fields[2]

editor.appendText( newcontent)

Just name it something like dedup.

Load your data file into a tab and within that tab, select Plugins->Python Scripts->Scripts->dedup ... and it should be ok now.

  • I just add Python, What is the formula that i would use for Notepad ++ under Python? not sure about Awk
    – Abou
    Feb 17, 2016 at 16:07
  • Please , i do not want to install other software , what is the formula under Notepad++ ? thank you! the file is a TXT file.
    – Abou
    Feb 17, 2016 at 16:24
  • Just hold the line. I do know about the python plugin for np++ but have never used it so takes some time to get acquainted.
    – user556625
    Feb 17, 2016 at 16:52
  • I learnt some tiny piece of the plugin. You can find the result at the end of the original answer.
    – user556625
    Feb 17, 2016 at 18:56
  • Nothing happened can you tell me step by step how to do it
    – Abou
    Feb 17, 2016 at 19:28

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