With Vivaldi, if I click a tab in order to change my currently present web-app, the contained page gets reloaded. This happens for downright apps nearly everytime. For things like dictionaries (linguee etc.), it doesn't happen that often.

I'll describe an example scenario:

  • Open up JIRA tab (downright web-app)
  • Open up Linguee tab ("static" web-page)
  • Open up Google tab
  • Click on JIRA -> it reloads
  • Click on Linguee -> doesn't reload
  • Click on Google
  • Wait one minute
  • Click on JIRA -> it reloads
  • Click on Linguee -> it reloads

This behaviour appears to be a little bit random. Sometimes tabs get reloaded and sometimes not. However, there is one constant thing: If I wait a time (at least one minute), without exception every tab gets reloaded.

Why does that happen and how do I disable this feature?

2 Answers 2


Try this option: 

  • Tabs being reloaded nearly every time they focus (after being inactive for like 30-60min) has just started for me with Vivaldi 3.5 on Linux - but the automatic tab discarding flag does not exist anymore, and no other settings for this seem to exist. Has this been renamed or moved? I never had this problem before.
    – iquito
    Dec 28, 2020 at 14:20
  • I do not have that flag here.
    – sergiol
    Mar 20, 2021 at 11:51

This just started happening to me, not sure what's changed.

I've found out there are 2 ways to stop this from happening:

  1. Navigate to vivaldi://discards and manually switch off the tabs you want to stop from refreshing in the "Auto Discardable" column

enter image description here

Note: this is temporary until next browser restart

  1. Use Disable automatic tab discarding Chrome Extension. This would stop ALL tabs from auto discarding.

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