I'm trying to merge a lot of logs together that is in one folder.

This is what I've tried to do.

copy /b *.log test.log | findstr /V "xyz" test.log >> final_test.log

It doesn't seem to be working but it works if I were to do individually. Can someone correct me on this?


1 Answer 1


Not sure about what you really want.

For merging files, copy /b *.log test.log will do. Tested on Windows 10.

  • I want to merge the files then use the results and findstr "xyz" test.log >> final_test.log I know that this works if I was to do it as separately
    – Yen Deng
    Aug 30, 2016 at 11:59
  • @Yen Deng Then you may want copy /b *.log test.log && findstr /V "xyz" test.log >> final_test.log
    – Ben
    Aug 30, 2016 at 12:08

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