What wildcards should I use in Notepad++?

What I have:


What I want:


  • 1
    Give more examples so it would be clear what you need. Is it the only search pattern that need to be replaced or do you have other ones ?
    – Alex
    Feb 14, 2017 at 10:50
  • Pattern is constant and looks like this: '<text>XX00</text>' Where: XX - capital letters, 00 - digits. This is XML file. Backspace always need to be inserted in same place. Between letters and digits. For example: '<text>AA01</text>' to '<text>AA/01</text>' '<text>AB17</text>' to '<text>AB/17</text>'
    – Slawomir_
    Feb 14, 2017 at 11:55
  • Find: ^(.{9}) Replace with: $1/ doesn't work because there are plenty of other text rows that should stay untouched.
    – Slawomir_
    Feb 14, 2017 at 12:09

1 Answer 1


Search/replace as regular expressions using :

Find what : (<text>[A-Z]+)([0-9]+)(<\/text>)
Replace with: \1\/\2\3

Set check box 'Match case' if letters in the string <text>XX00</text> Where: XX - capital letters should match only uppercase characters XX


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