I'm currently stuck in what seemed to be an easy task. I've been working on a python script that finds certain files in my Downloads folder and dumps them into another sub-folder within a different folder. Then, it converts the PDFs in that designated folder into text files since I will be extracting info from the files(and it's just way easier to work with TXT).

Now, I'm stuck in this next part : I have ~ 600 files (and will continue to have more) and want to combine files based on filename. This is how the filenames are formatted...

  • Txt_BI_ProfilesBI_Profile_Export_BB+Generic_August+2016_GGP_20170316.pdf
  • Txt_BI_BrofilesBI_Profile_Export_BB+Generic_August+2016_GGP_20170316.pdf (1)
  • Txt_BI_ProfilesBI_Profile_Export_Search_20170228.pdf
  • Txt_BI_ProfilesBI_Profile_Export_Search_20170228.pdf (1)

Note how there are files that share filename but are distinguishable with .pdf(1) . I need a powershell or bash script that groups and merges files into a consolidated text files based on filename similarity.

So given the filenames above, I want to merge all the content in

'TxtBI_ProfilesBI_Profile_Export_BB+Generic_August+2016_GGP_20170316.pdf' + 'Txt_BI_ProfilesBI_Profile_Export_BB+Generic_August+2016_GGP_20170316.pdf (1)' into a file = 'BB+Generic_August+2016_GGP'

and same goes for 'Search'. For 'BB+Generic_August+2016_GGP' and 'Search' group there are up to about '.pdf(40)' different files, and there are about 10 or more different group of files that share similar filenames. I have written a python script that attempts to do this here but all it's doing is splitting the filenames[33:] and filenames.rsplit('',1)[0] (splits after the 33 character and the last '_') and not combining them into consolidated files as I mentioned above. Can I do this with powershell or bash? Such that it splits filenames(as abovementioned) and then combines them If they hold the same text filenname?

I thought this was going to be super easy but it's not working for me. If anyone has any insight/ideas/suggestions on how to approach this, I would truly appreciate it! Have used bash in the past before for unix, but it's been a while. I'll go with whatever is most practical! Still a bit of a novice when it comes to programming....

  • 1
    Gotcha, I'll def keep that in mind when asking questions on here! I'm not completely sure what the difference is? If this helps, I want to concatenate Group1_File + Group1_File (1) + Group1_File (2) ; Group2_File + Group2_ File (1) + Group2_File (2) into one file "Group1_File", Group2_File , respectively. I believe it gets difficult since ALL files share the same first 33 characters.
    – GGp
    Mar 29, 2017 at 15:56
  • 1
    No problem- I'd argue the question itself is still on-topic as it's more to do with automation! The reason I ask as is that I'm not sure PDFs can be simply / sensibly concatenated together; whereas text files can.
    – bertieb
    Mar 29, 2017 at 16:05
  • 1
    Sorry if I was a little too vague...all these files were once PDF but then were converted to TEXT ( via a python script) and dumped into a folder.
    – GGp
    Mar 29, 2017 at 16:12
  • 1
    You may want to perform this operation in python as well, in order to have one consistent script.
    – simlev
    Mar 29, 2017 at 16:16
  • 1
    I would love to, but I have a deadline coming up so kinda need it asap. @simlev I'll try your suggestion in a bit, just have to enable bash on Windows 10(don't have it on this computer yet).
    – GGp
    Mar 29, 2017 at 16:19

1 Answer 1


Edit: better solution that produces the desired output file names

Making use of ls, awk and cat:

ls | awk '! /\([0-9]+\)/ {match($0, /Txt_BI_ProfilesBI_Profile_Export_([^.]+)/,matches); system("cat " $0 "* >"matches[1] ".txt")}'

Prompted by Matthew's display of Powershell's powers, I had to show the same can be achieved in a bash environment. This is just one of the many ways, as is common in the UNIX world.


ls lists all elements in the current directory

awk programming language designed for text processing

! /\([0-9]+\)/ exclude filenames that contain a number in parentheses

match($0, /Txt_BI_ProfilesBI_Profile_Export_([^.]+)/,matches) perform a regular expression match on the filename, capturing the part between the common prefix and the first dot

system(" execute a system command

cat " $0 "* concatenate files that start with the filename

>"matches[1] ".txt" output to a file named like the captured expression and having a .txt extension

First answer: You can use find, xargs, bash and cat:

find . -type f -regextype sed ! -regex "\./.*([0-9]\+)" | xargs -I{} bash -c 'cat {}* > {}.txt'

This is more of a proof-of-concept and could be refined, as the output filenames are not exactly what you sought, but should be enough to solve your problem in the immediate.


find . search the current directory

-type f look for files

-regextype sed use the regular expression engine with sed-compatible syntax

! -regex "\./.*([0-9]\+)" exclude results that match the specified regular expression, i.e. those that include a number in parentheses at the end

| xargs use each result to construct a command

-I{} in the following command, substitute {} with each find result

bash -c pass the following string as a command to bash

'cat {}* > {}.txt' concatenate the files that start with the found filename into a file that has a name made up from the find result and the .txt extension

  • After your post, I have been digging up on bash(it's been AWHILE since I last used it)...few questions though. (1) For, match($0, /Txt_BI_ProfilesBI_Profile_Export_([^.]+)/,matches) in the edited version, can I use substitute ([^.+]) with ([^.pdf+])?...since some of the filenames have a " . " in the area between the common prefix and .pdf...(2) Is there a way to specify the concatenated output-file's directory? (3) This might be a VERY rudimentary question, and I apologize if it is...before executing the script, I have to cd to where the files are located, correct?
    – GGp
    Mar 30, 2017 at 13:37
  • I strongly feel you should be able to make these trivial adjustments yourself. (1) I'd use (.+).pdf. (2) specify the output directory after the >. (3) yes, or use find inputdirectory -type f instead of ls.
    – simlev
    Mar 30, 2017 at 14:20

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