Tried to connect with 2 different devices windows 7 and windows 10 with no luck and diagnostics didn't help. Also in the info center I hit test and it says LAN accessible even tho my devices say otherwise.

Here are my DSM settings: Control Panel>File Services>[x]Enable SMB service

-Advanced Settings> Max=SMB3 Min=SMB2

Control Panel>Info Center>Service>SMB [x]Enable [x]Allow through firewall [ ]Port forwarding "LAN accessible"

  • 1
    If you drop the min to SMB1, does it work? Don't leave it like that, but just to test.
    – Narzard
    Jun 14, 2017 at 14:06
  • Nop still wont connect
    – repairmant
    Jun 14, 2017 at 14:18


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