Now I'm sorta PostgreSQL DBA/dev...
and faced the problem that looks a well known one:

alter table assessment -- quite simple new table: (event int, value bool)
  add constraint assessment_event_fk
    foreign key (event)
    references rtls(id) -- it refs the primary key integer field

Adding not valid (in useless hope to validate it later on) is of no help either.

Yes, I know, it hangs (the rtls table is about 2M records now).
And one have to pg_dump the base, edit SQL, and load it back.
I saw this "advise" in posts since circa 2003...

It's 9.2.18 from standard deployment on CentOS 7, if it matters (it does!).

I cannot believe that it stuck here over decade...
What should I consider to work it around?

Use sorta check for exists (select id from rtls where id=?) ???
No way:

vad=> alter table assessment add constraint assessment_event_fk check(exists (select rtls.id from rtls where rtls.id=event));
ERROR:  cannot use subquery in check constraint

1 Answer 1


Just upgrade to 9.6.

My script to upgrade here: https://pastebin.com/PzcatZaQ (yes, I had to upgrade several nodes -- dev/test farm)

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