i am actually programming a script where i can store commands in a cheatsheet (e.g. "git add .", "git merge", "docker compose-up" ....) - all commands that i need in my daily work.

see here: https://github.com/m1well/cheatsheet

now i have a question: is it possible to copy a command into the command line without any additional installations?

my actual idea is to implement it like the shell history -> add a number before each command and then i want to call it like this
$ my-script.sh -c 5
Where -c stands for command parameter (if have several parameters already implemented) and the 5 stands for the command in line 5.

TL;DR: is it possible to copy a line from a file to the command line and then execute it by clicking enter?

1 Answer 1


That depends on the OS. For Unix/Linux here are some suggestions how to stuff some string into the input buffer. Windows is of course different.

A completly different approach based on bash only is using something like this: Type these command into the bash prompt:

foo() {
    READLINE_LINE="execute me"
bind -x '"\ex": foo'

Now you can type Alt+x (the \ex part int the code) and current input line is replaced with execute me.

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