I'm trying to download a live stream (not a file) coming from a live camera feed available at the following website: http://www.dot.ca.gov/video/.

I used Wireshark for sniffing the TCP packets and was able to extract the RTMP parameters, but wasn't able to use them with FFMPEG/VLC for downloading / playing the stream on VLC (I guess I didn't construct the URL correctly).

for example, for the camera feed available here, I got the following parameters:

  1. swfUrl: http://www.dot.ca.gov/research/its/StrobeMediaPlayback.swf
  2. pageUrl..Ehttp://www.dot.ca.gov/d4/d4cameras/ct-cam-pop- N17_at_Saratoga_Rd.html
  3. tcUrl: rtmp://wzmedia.dot.ca.gov:1935/D4
  4. Play : E37_at_Lakeville_Rd.stream.

Is there a chance someone is familiar with this and can help with understanding how I can use the above for downloading the stream?

Thanks a lot! Yaniv

1 Answer 1


You only need the RTMP url (which is combined from the server connection url and stream name). Use this command:

ffmpeg -i rtmp://wzmedia.dot.ca.gov:1935/D4/E37_at_Lakeville_Rd.stream your_output.mp4

or open vlc with the RTMP url.

More about RTMP url format.

  • Why? May be some explanation.
    – Toto
    Feb 6, 2018 at 17:55

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