Every 30 mins or sometimes much longer the system time changes with the event --- The time service has set the time with offset 15481355650727981 seconds.

The time always reverts back 37 hours to the current time, visually it goes back 1 hour, PM switches to AM and Monday becomes Sunday.

Adding a task to sync the time every 5 minutes helps but doesn't solve the problem...

I have read this answer, but I do not think I have the same root cause. Windows 7 time keeps changing by itself

I have attached a screen shot of the event

screen shot

  • 15481355650727981 seconds is a whole lot more than 37 hours! Mar 15, 2018 at 2:43
  • disable NTP time sync in control panel->date&time settings Mar 15, 2018 at 16:03
  • Run from the command line: w32tm /query /status It will give you some diagnostic information such as the clock source.
    – philu
    Oct 9, 2018 at 23:15


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