I want to download content from a site. Originally, I used curl/wget, however, the page demanded a session cookie + had multiple redirects. The page administrator then told me to use Firefox to download the content. This is of course pretty difficult because I want to call the download from a script.

I figured out that

firefox https://url.to.page.com/download_content

works and the download file dialog appears. So I am almost there. Of course, as I want to call the download from a script I don't want to press the "ok" button but download it instantly. Are there any additional command line settings to surpress the download file dialog in firefox and download the file immediately?

  • 1
    Thanks for your suggestion, however, using additional programmes is not possible... May 6, 2018 at 14:45
  • Does Using curl with cookies help? May 6, 2018 at 15:00
  • No, it does not work. The webpage adminstrator I contacted also sounded as it was very difficult to realize it with curl/wget and he recommended to do it with Firefox. May 6, 2018 at 15:07
  • So you don't have to log into an account to download the file? Then curl might indeed work. Or maybe a python script.
    – Tesseract
    May 6, 2018 at 15:31
  • Nope. You can try it yourself, the url is piratenpad.de/p/qwq (export url: piratenpad.de/p/qwq/export/txt). curl -L -b cookies.txt the_url doesnt work; calling it with firefox gives the above described behavior May 6, 2018 at 21:30

2 Answers 2


Solved the same problem as follows, using Firefox:

  • Open "Network" tab of "Web Developer" tool: Ctrl-Shift-E
  • Visit the page you want to save (e.g. a photo behind a login)
  • Right click the request and choose 'Copy'->'Copy as cURL'

This will give you a command that has all your cookie credentials e.g.

curl 'https://mysite.test/my-secure-dir/picture1.jpg' \ 
-H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 ...' \
-H 'Cookie: SESSIONID=abcdef1234567890'

You can modify the URL in the command to fetch whatever you want and run it in your shell.

  • This will not work if the target web site uses Cloudflare protection or a similar system that uses TLS fingerprinting.
    – Robert
    Apr 21, 2022 at 7:36

As already stated above, you can simply use the 'Copy cURL-Adress function' of the webdevolper tools in Firefox/Chrome/Safari.

For those who don't know where to find the specified option in their browser, here's an article on where to find it exactly (in all mentioned browsers):


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