The world has gone mad about emojis. I can understand this and safely ignore.

But having "Emoji" menu item as a first of all items in context menu of Chrome's any kind of edit box is a thing that actually irritates me a little bit. Because I use browser for browsing pages and I use text edits for editing texts not for throwing emojis everywhere.

enter image description here

Any way I can get rid of it? Any Chrome's extension to modify Chrome's context menus?

  • Is it a Windows only issue? Can't seem to find it in Ubuntu Chrome 75. Or has it been since fixed? Jun 24, 2019 at 9:47
  • Probably Windows only. Not only not removed, but now those idiots even added a keyboard shortcut for it (Win+Period). The world would collapse into chaos, if we wouldn't have stupid emojis everywhere?
    – trejder
    Jun 25, 2019 at 10:17


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