I'm new to this site so hope I'm doing this right!

I've made use of @BruceWayne array formula in the answer to the follow question: Return list of all values that match criteria

My question is, can this formula be adjusted to consider any values in a list of multiple match criteria? For example using this earlier question, I would want to put "4" in Cell D1 (as Bruce did) but also "3" in cell D2, which would return the list of all four names in the array starting cell F1.

I hope that's clear and many thanks for any help!


1 Answer 1


Option 1:

enter image description here

Write this Array Formula in Cell D1, finish with Ctrl+Shift+Enter and fill down.


Option 2:

enter image description here

Write this Array Formula in Cell I2 finish with Ctrl+Shift+Enter& fill down.

{=IFERROR(INDEX($F$2:$G$7, SMALL(IF((INDEX($F$2:$G$7, , $G$11)<=$G$10)*(INDEX($F$2:$G$7, , $G$11)>=$G$9), MATCH(ROW($F$2:$G$7), ROW($F$2:$G$7)), ""), ROWS(I2:$I$2)), COLUMNS($A$1:A1)),"")}

Note, adjust cell references in the Formula as needed.

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