I have a folder with 100 invoices & they all need to carry the prefix "INVOICE_" in front. I tried to run a command but it doesn't seem to be working.
I've tried ren * INVOICE_*.PDF but it doesn't work. Can someone help me figure this out?

  • softwarerecs.stackexchange.com is the preferred place to ask about apps which you could add to do this, should you be using Windows which does not know how to do that.
    – K7AAY
    Nov 15, 2018 at 0:36

4 Answers 4


A quick and dirty batch file which will do what you want.

@echo off
::Create a temporary filename.
set _tmpfile=%random%

::Store the prefix you want to use in the rename in a variable
set _prefix=INVOICE_

::List of files to be renamed are held in the _tmpfile
::so be sure that you are in the correct folder/directory.
dir *.pdf /b>%_tmpfile%

::Now, loop through the _tmpfile and rename each file using the _prefix variable
:: Remove the ECHO below in order for this to work.
for /f %%x in (%_tmpfile%) do ECHO ren %%x %_prefix%%%x

::Delete the _tmpfile
if exist %_tmpfile% del %_tmpfile%

Update: the batch file, as is, won't rename the files. It would just show you the command it would run if you remove the "ECHO" string from the "for /f in %%x" line. Then the batch file will rename the files.

Hope this helps!

  • You might want to explain the bit about doing a dry run and then deleting the ECHO.  (2) Why don’t you just do for %%x in (*.pdf) do and skip the tmpfile? Nov 15, 2018 at 20:56
  • @scott: for #1, I thought the comments in the batch file would be enough. I'll update the answer. For #2, during my testing, the batch would add the prefix twice to the first file. Figured safest thing was to redirect to temp file, then loop that.
    – JSanchez
    Nov 16, 2018 at 0:44

The ren command works differently than you expect; click on its link to learn more about it. A third party file renaming utility will make this much easier. There are a number of Open Source free programs which are available, such as
among others.

Can't make a recommendation of a specific app here, but https://softwarerecs.stackexchange.com is the preferred place to ask about apps.


You question title says “in Windows”, so I’m going to ignore the tag and give you a PowerShell solution.  Go into PowerShell (type powershell at your cmd prompt, or run it from the menu) and type

dir *.pdf | rename-item -newname {$_.name -replace "^","INVOICE_"}

Seems pretty self-explanatory: take the name of each PDF file and rename it to a new name that’s formed by replacing the beginning of the old name (denoted by the regular expression ^) with “INVOICE_”.

Copied almost verbatim from How to Batch Rename Multiple Files in Windows at How-To Geek.


Try this command

ren *.pdf INVOICE_*.pdf

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